Battery charge tests - running a battery to 0 frequently - checking re-charge times... wrote:

Notice the tire experiments above where there is precious little
information on the Internet why all the cars that are perfectly aligned in
any given twisty road area wear the tires the exact same abnormal way.

Take a look at the Scotty Kilmer video below, and note particularly that
the photos I\'ve been posting (which I\'ve posted for years) are the _same_
as in Scotty Kilmer\'s videos (just look and you\'ll recognize my pictures!).

This is a shot he took of my BMW tires, for example, with wear lined up:> He stole my images! :)

Kilmer is a backyard mechanic at best who doesn\'t know any more about,
well, *anything* than any one else. I wouldn\'t let this guy change
the oil on a car.

I understand and I don\'t disagree since I, myself, have a love:hate
relationship with Scotty Kilmer, as he seems to spew every bit of nonsense
in the book - but - he\'s also an extremely experienced mechanic.

BTW, this offshoot tangent happened when Jeff Liebermann asked how many
apps I have installed if I can lose hundreds without blinking an eye,
and the test I just ran moments ago shows 663 installed 3rd-party
\"packages\" and 390 system packages.

I include the documentation of a post I just made below so that the folks
on this newsgroup (which is different from that post) can benefit from the
tremendous effort in making the solution easily cut & paste for everyone.

If anyone here can help find the missing apps, I\'d appreciate your
knowledge since I\'ve tried what I know offhand and that has failed so far.

Please see below for a post I just made for this recent thread today:
*Using Windows to find hidden files on the Android file system over Wi-Fi*

WIP: Using Windows to find hidden files on the Android file system

Help requested from those who know more about finding hidden files
on Android from the Windows computer over your local Wi-Fi network.

Recently I updated Android 11 to 12 and all hell broke loose (perhaps
because I change my GSF ID which, we can assume, is saved by apps).
<> How to change GSF ID
Maybe changing the GSF ID caused apps with GSF to be indexed wrong?
<> Some apps use GSF APIs

This learning experience is perhaps a good thing as it\'s an opportunity to
learn where Android apps typically install their code into.

As that location is likely still there (I find it hard to believe that
Google _deleted_ the apps off my Android phone during the update).
<> The apps are gone!

Running adb over Wi-Fi (tcpip port 5555) allows me to list packages:
C:\\> adb shell pm list packages > installed.txt (lists 663 packages)
C:\\> adb shell pm list packages -s (of which 390 lines are system)
C:\\> adb shell pm list packages -3 (and where 273 lines are third party)
One of which, we would have hoped, would be zoom, but it\'s not there:
C:\\> adb shell pm list packages -f | findStr \"zoom\" (finds nothing)

Luckily, re-installing even hundreds of apps on Android is trivial since
all the APKs are automatically _not deleted_ when apps are installed.
<> Just don\'t delete APKs

Which means they can be saved directly onto a Windows mount point.
<> APKs saved into Windows
And then the APKs can simply be slid onto Android to re-install apps.
<> Drag APK from Windows

But even without that, just clicking on the now-dead grayed-out icons
brings up the correct _new_ APK in the FOSS google play store client.
<> App is not installed

The point being the problem is NOT to re-install hundreds of APKs, as that
part is already trivial.... the problem here is to see if they\'re _still_
on the Android phone, where I need to know _where_ apps typically go.

Now it\'s time to look where the missing apps are typically installed into.

Let\'s take Zoom for example, which seems to have simply disappeared.
<> Even Zoom disappeared!

First, let\'s check if Zoom requires GSF, and when we do, we see it does.
<> Zoom requires GSF

So now, the question is whether or not Zoom is _already_ installed and
perhaps just hidden - but _where_ would zoom be installed onto Android?

*Android Developers > Docs> Guides > App install location*
\"android:installLocation manifest attribute\"

Apparently the flow is that the developer declares the location
App will be installed on internal storage only
App will be installed on sdcard if available
App will be installed

But adb seems to show the location of installed packages.

So let\'s try those adb commands over wi-fi (TCPIP port 5555) to see stuff.
C:\\> adb kill-server
C:\\> adb tcpip 5555
restarting in TCP mode port: 5555
C:\\> adb connect
connected to
C:\\> adb devices
List of devices attached device

I was hoping the \"disabled\" apps option would list zoom, but it didn\'t:
C:\\> adb shell pm list packages -d > disabled_apps.txt (219L)
Nor did the enabled apps option list zoom (which wasn\'t expected):
C:\\> adb shell pm list packages -e > enabled_apps.txt (444L)

I\'m not at all sure what the definition of a \"disabled\" app really is.
But what was interesting was disabled apps were mostly in 1 spot.
C:\\> adb shell pm list packages -d -f > location_disabled_apps.txt
package:/data/app/~~{stuff} (208L)
package:/product/app/. (3L)
package:/system/app/. (3L)
package:/system/priv-app/. (5L)

While enabled apps were far more scattered about the Android filesystem.
C:\\> adb shell pm list packages -e -f > location_enabled_apps.txt (444)
package:/apex/. (11L)
package:/data/app/~~{stuff} (87L)
package:/product/app/. (8L)
package:/product/overlay/. (28L)
package:/product/priv-app/. (7L)
package:/system/app/. (106L)
package:/system/carrier/. (4L)
package:/system/framework/. (2L)
package:/system/priv-app/. (171L)
package:/system/system_ext/priv-app/. (8L)
package:/vendor/overlay/. (11L)
package:/vendor/priv-app/. (1L)

Of course, if I _install_ Zoom, the commands below will tell me where it
installed into, but I\'m trying to find out if it\'s really still there.

So let\'s try this adb command over wi-fi (TCPIP port 5555) to see:
C:\\> adb shell pm list packages -f -s > sys_package_location.txt (390L)
C:\\> adb shell pm list packages -f > 3rd_package_location.txt (663L)

Summarizing those files, the system apps seem to be installed into

And the third-party apps seem to be installed into:
package:/apex/. (11L)
package:/data/app/~~{stuff} (295L)
package:/product/app/. (11L)
package:/product/overlay/. (28L)
package:/product/priv-app/. (7L)
package:/system/app/. (109L)
package:/system/carrier/priv-app/. (4L)
package:/system/framework/. (2L)
package:/system/priv-app/. (176L)
package:/system/system_ext/priv-app/. (8L)
package:/vendor/overlay/. (11L)
package:/vendor/priv-app/. (1L)

There are two others options of interest which may help find zoom.
C:\\> adb shell pm list packages -f -i > installer.txt (663L) (1L) (20L)
installer=com.aurora.adroid (9L) (85L)
installer=com.facebook.system (3L) <== note WA is installed, not FB (57L) (1L)
installer=com.sprint.ce.updater (1L) <== note it\'s a T-Mobile phone (4L)
installer=null (482)

This might help if I knew what a UID was and what the UID for Zoom is:
C:\\> adb shell pm list packages -f -U > UID.txt (663L)
The UID is apparently particular for an application:
The UID (aka AID) is the backbone of the Android sandboxing, apparently:

This sounds promising but it lists installed packages apparently:
C:\\> adb shell pm list packages -i > installer.txt (663L)
C:\\> adb shell pm list packages -u > uninstaller.txt (663L)

Let\'s run a quick Windows diff filecompare of these two after sorting:
C:\\> fc installer.txt uninstaller.txt (206L) <== too confusing

At this point, let\'s inventory all that is on the Android phone without
using adb but simply by using the Windows \"dir\" command on Android.
Pseudocode: dir android_file_system > list_of_all_files_on_android.txt

To more easily search my non-rooted phone, I mounted the Android root file
system as a Windows 10 drive letter using a free WebDAV server on Android.
*WebDAV Server* by The Olive Tree
Free, not ad free, Google free, requires GSF, rated 3.5, 100K+ installs

*WebDAV Server - BestDAV PRO* by ZQ Software
Free, ad free, Google free, GSF free, rated 4.2, unknown # of installs

I\'m using \"The Olive Tree\" WebDav server because I can\'t figure out the
settings to get the \"BestDav\" WebDav server to allow _write_ from Windows.
(If you can solve this problem, I\'d appreciate the help you can provide.)

For whatever reason, using \"The Olive Tree\" I can mount everything on
Android but the sdcard (which I haven\'t yet figured out why - but it
appears that the Windows adb command _can_ see what\'s on the SDCARD).
(If you can solve this problem, I\'d appreciate the help you can provide.)

And then I ran this simple command on Windows to mount the phone:
net use Z: \\\\\\DavWWWRoot
Where DavWWWRoot can be defined as any location on the phone you want.
<> Windows reads Android root
Namely these are the following locations most people set DavWWWRoot to:
(o) Root (/)
(_) SdCard
(_)Custom folder
(_)Ext. SdCard
As shown in this graphic using that setting for the Windows mount point:
<> WebDav set to Android root

So that I could make a list of every file on the Android file system:
C:\\> Z:
Z:\\> dir /s/a/l/on/b > c:\\tmp\\android_filesystem.txt (3914L)

And then I could grep (findstr) for the hidden presence of zoom files.
C:\\> findstr /i /r /c:\"^.*oom\" android_filesystem.txt

Drat. There wasn\'t a single file on the Android filesystem with
\"Zoom\" anywhere in the name as far as I can tell from this.

Does anyone out there reading this know more about finding hidden files
on Android from the Windows computer over your local Wi-Fi network?
On Usenet, kind-hearted purposefully helpful people carry on polite
discussions which benefit everyone who participates in the conversation.
On 2022-05-09 19:48, sms wrote:
On 5/9/2022 10:03 AM, Carlos E.R. wrote:


Fast charging a lead acid battery means supplying it with a high
voltage, maybe 20 or 30 volts, much more than what the battery can
absorb. If the car is not disconnected, that voltage reaches the car

I\'ve never heard of high-voltage charging of lead-acid batteries, at
least not beyond 2.5 volts per cell (14.8V for a six cell car battery).

I have.

The exception is the \"pulse chargers\" that attempt to remove sulfation
in lead-acid batteries by using high-voltage, high-frequency pulses, and
in that case it would make sense to disconnect the battery from the
vehicle prior to attempting this.

There is no conclusive proof that pulse charging has any positive
effect, only some limited empirical evidence. There are ways to remove
sulfation from non-sealed lead-acid batteries, but not with pulsed

No, this is just an industrial sized fast charger, intended to be used
on garages to give enough charge in 10 minutes to a battery so that it
can start the car and the client leaves. The client is told he has to
replace the battery soon.

It is brutal.

It pushes the 12v battery up to 20 or 30 volts.

The instructions specifically say to disconnect the battery from the
car. It is obvious, 20 volts can destroy the car electronics.

This is not done on a good battery.

And yes, I have seen this with my own eyes. You will not easily find it
on google.

Cheers, Carlos.
In article <f3rpki-c6t.ln1@Telcontar.valinor>, Carlos E.R.
<robin_listas@es.invalid> wrote:

Fast charging a lead acid battery means supplying it with a high
voltage, maybe 20 or 30 volts, much more than what the battery can
absorb. If the car is not disconnected, that voltage reaches the car

I\'ve never heard of high-voltage charging of lead-acid batteries, at
least not beyond 2.5 volts per cell (14.8V for a six cell car battery).

I have.

where have you heard that?

citations required.

The exception is the \"pulse chargers\" that attempt to remove sulfation
in lead-acid batteries by using high-voltage, high-frequency pulses, and
in that case it would make sense to disconnect the battery from the
vehicle prior to attempting this.

There is no conclusive proof that pulse charging has any positive
effect, only some limited empirical evidence. There are ways to remove
sulfation from non-sealed lead-acid batteries, but not with pulsed

No, this is just an industrial sized fast charger, intended to be used
on garages to give enough charge in 10 minutes to a battery so that it
can start the car and the client leaves. The client is told he has to
replace the battery soon.

what is the make/model of this mythical charger?

> It is brutal.

it can be. fast charging is harsher on the battery than slow charging,
but sometimes it\'s needed in an emergency. it should not be used

> It pushes the 12v battery up to 20 or 30 volts.

no it doesn\'t, since 20-30v will destroy a 12v lead acid battery.

you are confusing volts with amps.

fast chargers supply 20-30 *amps* to rapidly charge a car battery. not

many of them can supply more than that, most of which can also supply
significantly higher currents to start the vehicle (not to recharge).

car repair shops have something similar to these:

The instructions specifically say to disconnect the battery from the
car. It is obvious, 20 volts can destroy the car electronics.

it will also destroy the battery.

> This is not done on a good battery.

because good batteries do not need to be recharged.

And yes, I have seen this with my own eyes. You will not easily find it
on google.

because what you describe is wrong.

otherwise, it would easily be found with a search.

Since I\'ve tentatively concluded, much to my chagrin, that Android did,
indeed, completely wipe out _hundreds_ of apps (zoom among them),
perhaps because they were GSF apps which didn\'t like that I changed
the supposedly permanent unique GSF ID tracking identification number...
<> You can change the GSF ID
<> GSF Apps use the GSF ID

I decided to _install_ Zoom (which was easily enough done) and then run
the adb commands again to see where it put stuff as an added learning
<> Re-installing Zoom is easy
<> Now let\'s look where it went

This is where Zoom seems to have installed on Android:
<> Zoom in /data/app/~~{stuff}
<> Zoom in /data/app/~~{stuff}

But something is wrong with my Windows dir /s/a/l/on/b since it didn\'t
find the installed zoom location for some unknown-to-me-as-yet reason.

All it found were six new lines (all of which is the saved APK only).
C:\\> findstr /i /r /c:\"^.*zoom\" android_filesystem.txt



Since this experiment of adding just one app is rarely done, here are the
size differences between Android minus Zoom and Android with Zoom just now.
C:\\> adb shell pm list packages -f -s > sys_package_location.txt (390L ->
C:\\> adb shell pm list packages -f > 3rd_package_location.txt (663L ->
C:\\> adb shell pm list packages > installed.txt (663L -> 664L)
C:\\> adb shell pm list packages -d > disabled_apps.txt (219L -> 299L)
C:\\> adb shell pm list packages -e > enabled_apps.txt (444L -> 445L)
C:\\> adb shell pm list packages -f -U > UID.txt (Zoom uid:10588)
dir /s/a/l/on/b > c:\\tmp\\android_filesystem.txt (3914L -> 3920L)

In summary, it does appear that migrating from Android 11 to Android 12
actually deleted hundreds of apps, among them zoom, where there\'s no trace
of those apps on Android after the upgrade other than the Nova launcher
their location in the well-organized homescreen hierarchy.

Hence re-installing those hundreds of apps is trivial simply because
just tapping on the apps opens up the FOSS google play client to install
the latest version off the Google Play Store repository - or - I can
just as easily slide the APK from Windows over to Android - or - I can
just tap on the saved APK on Android (if I had happened to save it there).

I haven\'t conclusively proven anything yet as to why the migration of
Android 11 to Android 12 wiped out hundreds of apps, but I suspect it
was simply that the GSF apps misbehaved when they found out that I had
changed the supposedly permanent GSF ID.
Usenet is a world-wide team sport where purposefully helpful kind-hearted
adults help each other and learn by pooling our individual capabilities.

I learn more about computers by breaking the rules than by following them.
1. It\'s (only?) GSF apps that are gone after upgrading Android 11 to 12
2. It may be due to the fact I changed the supposedly permanent GSF ID
3. Luckily Nova knows (almost) exactly how to point to the app installer
4. However it\'s a mystery _how_ Nova knows (almost) exactly which it is
5. Given the app appears to otherwise be wiped completely off the map
6. However Windows, for some reason, doesn\'t _find_ the installed app
7. And yet, adb on Windows can easily find that newly installed app

The main questions that need to be resolved are
a. Why can\'t Windows \"dir\" find the installed app when Windows adb can?
b. How does Nova launcher know exactly which app was wiped off the phone?
c. Why should Android upgrades even care about the GSF ID?

Bear in mind there\'s almost no effort whatsoever in re-installing the
hundreds of missing apps; all the effort is going into trying to figure out
_why_ and _how_ that happened (as a lot of \"magic\" seems to have occurred).

Since I\'ve tentatively concluded, much to my chagrin, that Android did,
indeed, completely wipe out _hundreds_ of apps (zoom among them),
perhaps because they were GSF apps which didn\'t like that I changed
the supposedly permanent unique GSF ID tracking identification number...

Every disaster is an opportunity to learn, where, so far, as I\'m going
slowly since it\'s something I look at when I need an app, all the missing
apps were GSF apps, which, for now, fits the hypothesis that they never
tested Android upgrades for the circumstance that the GSF ID changed.

But why would an Android upgrade even _care_ that a GSF ID had changed?
What\'s it to them?

I decided to _install_ Zoom (which was easily enough done) and then run
the adb commands again to see where it put stuff as an added learning effort.
But something is wrong with my Windows dir /s/a/l/on/b since it didn\'t
find the installed zoom location for some unknown-to-me-as-yet reason.
All it found were six new lines (all of which is the saved APK only).
C:\\> findstr /i /r /c:\"^.*zoom\" android_filesystem.txt

This is another _new_ learning experience.
Why didn\'t the Windows \"dir\" command find the zoom installation hierarchy?
Where does Zoom put its installed files if not in the system directory?

Hence re-installing those hundreds of apps is trivial simply because
just tapping on the apps opens up the FOSS google play client to install
the latest version off the Google Play Store repository...

Yet another new learning experience is the fact that the ease of installing
the app is based on \"something\" (I don\'t know yet) which is hidden data.

Something about the grayed out icons tells Android exactly which app to
find in the FOSS google play store client... however... in one or two cases
so far, it did _not_ find the right \"something\" in that client.

So there\'s yet more \"magic\" going on that I don\'t understand about this yet
but it has been a wonderful new learning experience since you can\'t learn
this stuff without some lab work in destructive testing procedures.
I learn more about Android by breaking the rules than by following them.
On 2022-05-10 14:33, nospam wrote:
In article <f3rpki-c6t.ln1@Telcontar.valinor>, Carlos E.R.
robin_listas@es.invalid> wrote:

Fast charging a lead acid battery means supplying it with a high
voltage, maybe 20 or 30 volts, much more than what the battery can
absorb. If the car is not disconnected, that voltage reaches the car

I\'ve never heard of high-voltage charging of lead-acid batteries, at
least not beyond 2.5 volts per cell (14.8V for a six cell car battery).

I have.

where have you heard that?

citations required.

I saw it personally.

Cheers, Carlos.
In article <b3kqki-flc.ln1@Telcontar.valinor>, Carlos E.R.
<robin_listas@es.invalid> wrote:

Fast charging a lead acid battery means supplying it with a high
voltage, maybe 20 or 30 volts, much more than what the battery can
absorb. If the car is not disconnected, that voltage reaches the car

I\'ve never heard of high-voltage charging of lead-acid batteries, at
least not beyond 2.5 volts per cell (14.8V for a six cell car battery).

I have.

where have you heard that?

citations required.

I saw it personally.

that\'s not a citation, nor did you see that.

what you saw was a 20-30 *amp* charger. not volts.

20-30 volts (3.3-5v/cell) would destroy a 12v lead acid battery, also
risking explosion, potentially destroying quite a bit more.

feel free to cite a credible reference to the contrary *and* go back to
the garage and take a photo of the charger that you claim was used so
that its specs can be verified.
On 2022-05-10 20:14, nospam wrote:
In article <b3kqki-flc.ln1@Telcontar.valinor>, Carlos E.R.
robin_listas@es.invalid> wrote:

Fast charging a lead acid battery means supplying it with a high
voltage, maybe 20 or 30 volts, much more than what the battery can
absorb. If the car is not disconnected, that voltage reaches the car

I\'ve never heard of high-voltage charging of lead-acid batteries, at
least not beyond 2.5 volts per cell (14.8V for a six cell car battery).

I have.

where have you heard that?

citations required.

I saw it personally.

that\'s not a citation, nor did you see that.

Cite me. I saw it. I am the source.

what you saw was a 20-30 *amp* charger. not volts.

Nope. Volts. Several electronic devices in my car were destroyed.

Cheers, Carlos.
In article <70qqki-02f.ln1@Telcontar.valinor>, Carlos E.R.
<robin_listas@es.invalid> wrote:

Fast charging a lead acid battery means supplying it with a high
voltage, maybe 20 or 30 volts, much more than what the battery can
absorb. If the car is not disconnected, that voltage reaches the car

I\'ve never heard of high-voltage charging of lead-acid batteries, at
least not beyond 2.5 volts per cell (14.8V for a six cell car battery).

I have.

where have you heard that?

citations required.

I saw it personally.

that\'s not a citation, nor did you see that.

Cite me. I saw it. I am the source.

that\'s not how citations work. you can\'t cite yourself.

what you describe is not how lead acid batteries are charged.

take a photo of the charger and/or find one or more links describing it.

what you saw was a 20-30 *amp* charger. not volts.

Nope. Volts. Several electronic devices in my car were destroyed.

again, take a photo of the charger and/or find some links describing it.
On 2022-05-10 21:18, nospam wrote:
In article <70qqki-02f.ln1@Telcontar.valinor>, Carlos E.R.
robin_listas@es.invalid> wrote:

Fast charging a lead acid battery means supplying it with a high
voltage, maybe 20 or 30 volts, much more than what the battery can
absorb. If the car is not disconnected, that voltage reaches the car

I\'ve never heard of high-voltage charging of lead-acid batteries, at
least not beyond 2.5 volts per cell (14.8V for a six cell car battery).

I have.

where have you heard that?

citations required.

I saw it personally.

that\'s not a citation, nor did you see that.

Cite me. I saw it. I am the source.

that\'s not how citations work. you can\'t cite yourself.

I am a witness.

what you describe is not how lead acid batteries are charged.

take a photo of the charger and/or find one or more links describing it.

Nope. It was over a decade ago.

Take my word for it, then you waste your time and find the information.
I did that research at the time.
What you get is my recollection.

You will not find current information because it is an incorrect and
dangerous thing to do; in fact, it destroyed part of the electronics of
my car. But I did not know what they were doing at the time or I would
have stopped them. I could have sued them.

Cheers, Carlos.
On 5/10/2022 1:58 PM, Carlos E.R. wrote:


You will not find current information because it is an incorrect and
dangerous thing to do; in fact, it destroyed part of the electronics of
my car. But I did not know what they were doing at the time or I would
have stopped them. I could have sued them.

I don\'t know where that repair shop would have found such a battery
charger unless they were using a 24V charger on a 12V battery.

Trying to charge a nominal 12V battery at 30 volts would have unexpected
consequences. The battery is a huge load with very low internal
resistance so in order for the vehicle electronics to be damaged the
charger must also have been supplying enormous amounts of current.

You can hook up a small, unregulated, 20V solar panel to keep a non-AGM
car battery charged because the current is so low (a fraction of an amp)
that as soon as you connect the battery the load drops the output to
around 12 volts.
In article <j90rki-r9k.ln1@Telcontar.valinor>, Carlos E.R.
<robin_listas@es.invalid> wrote:

Fast charging a lead acid battery means supplying it with a high
voltage, maybe 20 or 30 volts, much more than what the battery can
absorb. If the car is not disconnected, that voltage reaches the car

I\'ve never heard of high-voltage charging of lead-acid batteries, at
least not beyond 2.5 volts per cell (14.8V for a six cell car

I have.

where have you heard that?

citations required.

I saw it personally.

that\'s not a citation, nor did you see that.

Cite me. I saw it. I am the source.

that\'s not how citations work. you can\'t cite yourself.

I am a witness.

apparently the only one, since such a device cannot possibly work.

applying 20-30v to a 12v lead acid battery is a *really* bad idea.

what you describe is not how lead acid batteries are charged.

take a photo of the charger and/or find one or more links describing it.

Nope. It was over a decade ago.

it doesn\'t matter when it was.

all it takes is to find a device that charges 12v lead acid batteries
at 20-30v. it doesn\'t have to be available for purchase anymore.

let\'s see its specs, how it works, etc.

note that there are chargers that charge *24v* lead acid batteries at
~29v, except that those batteries are not used in cars, nor would a
garage have such a charger because they\'ll never encounter such a

24v lead acid batteries (usually two 12v in series) are often found in
scooters, wheelchairs, lawn mowers, etc. they also normally have a
custom connector for the charger.

Take my word for it, then you waste your time and find the information.
I did that research at the time.
What you get is my recollection.

your recollection is not substantive.

find a link or even just an article about the existence of such a

what is working against your claim are countless links about charging
lead acid batteries at a constant current until the terminal voltage
rises to ~2.4v/cell. i already posted the graph of the various stages.

You will not find current information because it is an incorrect and
dangerous thing to do;

exactly why such a device does not exist.

if it did exist, there would be *something* written about it somewhere,
even if it\'s nothing more than to avoid it.

in fact, it destroyed part of the electronics of
my car. But I did not know what they were doing at the time or I would
have stopped them. I could have sued them.

a bigger question is how many cars were destroyed by this garage.

you should have sued them for destroying your property as well as the
manufacturer of the mythical charger, because such a charger, if it did
exist, could cause explosions, which would cause all sorts of damage
and injuries, possibly fatal.
In article <t5el75$d1f$>, sms
<> wrote:

Trying to charge a nominal 12V battery at 30 volts would have unexpected

On 2022-05-10 23:24, sms wrote:
On 5/10/2022 1:58 PM, Carlos E.R. wrote:


You will not find current information because it is an incorrect and
dangerous thing to do; in fact, it destroyed part of the electronics
of my car. But I did not know what they were doing at the time or I
would have stopped them. I could have sued them.

I don\'t know where that repair shop would have found such a battery
charger unless they were using a 24V charger on a 12V battery.

Nope. Just 12 volt battery, huge garage charger with a setting on
\"boost\" or \"super boost\" mode.

Something like this, but I don\'t see documentation on the site:


The one they used had wheels.

Trying to charge a nominal 12V battery at 30 volts would have unexpected

I think it was rather 20.

consequences. The battery is a huge load with very low internal
resistance so in order for the vehicle electronics to be damaged the
charger must also have been supplying enormous amounts of current.

Which it did.

CMOS electronics stands 18 volts. Considering that the electronics (the
entire display setup) failed maybe two months later, the voltage on the
car would have been around 20. The radio survived because it was
disconnected. The car was diesel, so no ignition. I think the remote
door opener also failed.

The charger was used by someone that was not a full mechanic, but one
that was usually on the front desk. A full mechanic would have known
that the instructions for that mode say to disconnect the battery from
the car because you can fry the electronics. And she did fry the
electronics, but unfortunately not instantly, not that minute, so we did
not made the connection.

And yes, I did read the documentation, two years later the incident. I
found it somewhere, but I do not know the keyword to find it again.

Cheers, Carlos.
In message <b3kqki-flc.ln1@Telcontar.valinor> Carlos E.R. <robin_listas@es.invalid> wrote:
On 2022-05-10 14:33, nospam wrote:
In article <f3rpki-c6t.ln1@Telcontar.valinor>, Carlos E.R.
robin_listas@es.invalid> wrote:

Fast charging a lead acid battery means supplying it with a high
voltage, maybe 20 or 30 volts, much more than what the battery can
absorb. If the car is not disconnected, that voltage reaches the car

I\'ve never heard of high-voltage charging of lead-acid batteries, at
least not beyond 2.5 volts per cell (14.8V for a six cell car battery).

I have.

where have you heard that?

citations required.

I saw it personally.

Do you also have a picture of a stack of books to \"prove\" it?

You are so entirely STUPIDLY wrong it\'s not even funny.

Adolescence is the period between childhood and adultery
In message <70qqki-02f.ln1@Telcontar.valinor> Carlos E.R. <robin_listas@es.invalid> wrote:
On 2022-05-10 20:14, nospam wrote:
In article <b3kqki-flc.ln1@Telcontar.valinor>, Carlos E.R.
robin_listas@es.invalid> wrote:

Fast charging a lead acid battery means supplying it with a high
voltage, maybe 20 or 30 volts, much more than what the battery can
absorb. If the car is not disconnected, that voltage reaches the car

I\'ve never heard of high-voltage charging of lead-acid batteries, at
least not beyond 2.5 volts per cell (14.8V for a six cell car battery).

I have.

where have you heard that?

citations required.

I saw it personally.

that\'s not a citation, nor did you see that.

Cite me. I saw it. I am the source.

No you are not. You are an ignorant fool.

A dyslexic walks into a bra...
In article <nq8rki-p6s.ln1@Telcontar.valinor>, Carlos E.R.
<robin_listas@es.invalid> wrote:

You will not find current information because it is an incorrect and
dangerous thing to do; in fact, it destroyed part of the electronics
of my car. But I did not know what they were doing at the time or I
would have stopped them. I could have sued them.

I don\'t know where that repair shop would have found such a battery
charger unless they were using a 24V charger on a 12V battery.

Nope. Just 12 volt battery, huge garage charger with a setting on
\"boost\" or \"super boost\" mode.

those modes are high *current*.

Something like this, but I don\'t see documentation on the site:


€ Charging current: 18 A

it\'s also a 12/24v charger. maybe someone set it to 24v, which would
quickly destroy a 12v battery and anything connected to it that was
expecting only 12v (actually 13.8v when the engine is running).

> The one they used had wheels.

most high current chargers do.


Trying to charge a nominal 12V battery at 30 volts would have unexpected

I think it was rather 20.

20 amps, sure.

20 volts, definitely no.

if it was manually set for 24v batteries, it would be ~29v.

here\'s a graph of charging three types of 12v lead acid batteries. note
that the threshold voltage is slightly different for each, and always
under 15v. double the values for a 24 battery.
In message <j90rki-r9k.ln1@Telcontar.valinor> Carlos E.R. <robin_listas@es.invalid> wrote:
On 2022-05-10 21:18, nospam wrote:
In article <70qqki-02f.ln1@Telcontar.valinor>, Carlos E.R.
robin_listas@es.invalid> wrote:

Fast charging a lead acid battery means supplying it with a high
voltage, maybe 20 or 30 volts, much more than what the battery can
absorb. If the car is not disconnected, that voltage reaches the car

I\'ve never heard of high-voltage charging of lead-acid batteries, at
least not beyond 2.5 volts per cell (14.8V for a six cell car battery).

I have.

where have you heard that?

citations required.

I saw it personally.

that\'s not a citation, nor did you see that.

Cite me. I saw it. I am the source.

that\'s not how citations work. you can\'t cite yourself.

I am a witness.

You are a moron who has no idea what you saw, or is simply making shit

what you describe is not how lead acid batteries are charged.

take a photo of the charger and/or find one or more links describing it.

Nope. It was over a decade ago.

And you got the details wrong.

> Take my word for it,

Not a chance in hell. I\'ve seen a lead-acid battery pop its acid when
the wrong voltage charger was used, back in the days when VWs had lower
volt batteries that the standard 12V.

> then you waste your time and find the information.

There we go, you cannot find any source to back up your claim.
Congratulations, you have now proved your claim is bullshit.

> I did that research at the time.

No you didn\'t.

> What you get is my recollection.

Which is worthless.

If women wear a pair of pants, a pair of glasses, and a pair of
earrings, why don\'t they wear a pair of bras?
In message <nq8rki-p6s.ln1@Telcontar.valinor> Carlos E.R. <robin_listas@es.invalid> wrote:
On 2022-05-10 23:24, sms wrote:
On 5/10/2022 1:58 PM, Carlos E.R. wrote:


You will not find current information because it is an incorrect and
dangerous thing to do; in fact, it destroyed part of the electronics
of my car. But I did not know what they were doing at the time or I
would have stopped them. I could have sued them.

I don\'t know where that repair shop would have found such a battery
charger unless they were using a 24V charger on a 12V battery.

Nope. Just 12 volt battery, huge garage charger with a setting on
\"boost\" or \"super boost\" mode.

That is AMPS that are boosted, you numpty moron, not volts.

Something like this, but I don\'t see documentation on the site:


Battery chargers for charging free electrolyte (WET) batteries with 12/24 V voltage, protection against overloads and inversions
of polarity. Equipped with an ammeter and normal, fast load selector (BOOST) and ammeter.


Charging current 18 A (12 V) 12 A (24 V)

\"Are you pondering what I\'m pondering?\"
\"Wuh, I think so, Brain, but wouldn\'t anything lose its flavor on the
bedpost overnight?\"
On 5/10/2022 4:24 PM, Carlos E.R. wrote:
On 2022-05-10 23:24, sms wrote:
On 5/10/2022 1:58 PM, Carlos E.R. wrote:


You will not find current information because it is an incorrect and
dangerous thing to do; in fact, it destroyed part of the electronics
of my car. But I did not know what they were doing at the time or I
would have stopped them. I could have sued them.

I don\'t know where that repair shop would have found such a battery
charger unless they were using a 24V charger on a 12V battery.

Nope. Just 12 volt battery, huge garage charger with a setting on
\"boost\" or \"super boost\" mode.

Something like this, but I don\'t see documentation on the site:

Ah, your confusion is that \"Boost\" doesn\'t increase the voltage being
used, it increases the current to a level great enough to start the
vehicle even when there is a dead battery loading down the electrical
system. See <>. At 250 amps you can
pretty much start any vehicle, even one where the vehicle\'s battery has
close to zero internal resistance.

I have an SUV that I don\'t drive very often. If I let the battery run
down completely I can\'t even start it with a 50 amp booster, I have to
charge the battery for a while (or use a Li-Ion jumper battery which is
able to provide a large amount of current for a short time).

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