Shapes creation skill or Assura?


Mike Russell

I have to satisfy a groudrule for minimum area on M2 wires. We are using
a wiring tool that sometimes creates stacked vias from M1 to M3. This
leaves a .9x.9 m2 shape.

I would like to write some postprocessing SKILL code or an assura deck that
would fix this minimum M2 wire into .9x1.6 minimum m2's.

The output does not have to be nested. Can this be done in skill or
assura. I would like to create a new cell with m2 shapes that fix
problems and place this cell at 0 0 in the top_level cell that is
Using an overlay cell technique like that can have an extreme impact on
the performance of a hierarchical tool like Assura. The common "wisdom"
is to actually modify the original cells by adding material to the M2
layer, or to add it to a new layer like M2adjust after first clearing
old data out. This actually makes a fair amount of sense since any DRC
error the adjustment shape creates will have to be fixed in the original

I would do it as a SKILL routine that is run on the cells after the
wiring tool has finished it's work. Searching for rectangles and
changing them to larger rectangles would not be difficult. You can even
have it find the direction the connecting wires approach from and select
an orientation that is "good" from a processing viewpoint. Though, you
process might not care.

On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 23:19:59 -0000, Mike Russell <>

I have to satisfy a groudrule for minimum area on M2 wires. We are using
a wiring tool that sometimes creates stacked vias from M1 to M3. This
leaves a .9x.9 m2 shape.

I would like to write some postprocessing SKILL code or an assura deck that
would fix this minimum M2 wire into .9x1.6 minimum m2's.

The output does not have to be nested. Can this be done in skill or
assura. I would like to create a new cell with m2 shapes that fix
problems and place this cell at 0 0 in the top_level cell that is
In Assura, the cell which is being processed can not be modified. So
we have to go for the cell overlay method.

I think Skill would require much complex coding when compared to


Mike Russell <> wrote in message news:<Xns93BAB97B79A3Fnonenowhere@>...
I have to satisfy a groudrule for minimum area on M2 wires. We are using
a wiring tool that sometimes creates stacked vias from M1 to M3. This
leaves a .9x.9 m2 shape.

I would like to write some postprocessing SKILL code or an assura deck that
would fix this minimum M2 wire into .9x1.6 minimum m2's.

The output does not have to be nested. Can this be done in skill or
assura. I would like to create a new cell with m2 shapes that fix
problems and place this cell at 0 0 in the top_level cell that is

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