Q: Xilinx PROM file generation


Gerald Weile


is there any way to create a PROM programming file that contains
not only Xilinx BIT files but also a Lattice BIT file ?

Best regards,
Gerald Weile mailto:GWE@msc-ge.com
MSC Vertriebs GmbH Phone:+49-7249-910-186 Fax: -268
ASIC Design http://www.msc-ge.com
Gerald Weile <GWE@msc-ge.com> wrote in message news:<bj9n6g$gef09$1@ID-18746.news.uni-berlin.de>...

is there any way to create a PROM programming file that contains
not only Xilinx BIT files but also a Lattice BIT file ?
yes sure from a company called Xilice :)

NO the answer is NO.
if you need several bitstream in one PROM file then you need to write
your own tool todo this. hmm you did ask for Parallel PROM and doing
download by some micro? or do you want one serial PROM to hold bitsrtreams
for multiply vendor FPGAs? if you want to use singel serial config prom
for Xilinx and Lattice this maybe a bigger problem, multi chip promfiles
are of course possible but how it works if there are fpgas from different
vendors I dont know. might be possible, but then its even more problems
with bitstreams I would guess.

one thing though Xilinx SYSACE configuration solution is capable to play
back SVF files, so it may be possible to have a mixed chain of xilinx
and lattice using sysace, unfortunatly the backstage of sysace file
generation and SVF usage are not docemented ASFAIK


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