possible signs of life found on distant planet...


Jan Panteltje

Possible hints of life found on distant planet - how excited should we be?
quote from that link:
Now we have reports that JWST has identified carbon dioxide, methane and – possibly – the compound dimethyl sulfide (DMS) in the atmosphere.
The tentative detection of DMS is significant because it is only produced on Earth by algae.
We currently know of no way it can be naturally produced without a life-form.
On Friday, September 29, 2023 at 6:57:11 AM UTC-4, Jan Panteltje wrote:
Possible hints of life found on distant planet - how excited should we be?
quote from that link:
Now we have reports that JWST has identified carbon dioxide, methane and – possibly – the compound dimethyl sulfide (DMS) in the atmosphere.
The tentative detection of DMS is significant because it is only produced on Earth by algae.
We currently know of no way it can be naturally produced without a life-form.

On the really slim 1 in 10^50 chance they could ever visit a place like that, they would end up bringing back something that could wipe out all living creatures. Distance is a good quarantine.
On a sunny day (Fri, 29 Sep 2023 05:28:40 -0700 (PDT)) it happened Fred Bloggs
<bloggs.fredbloggs.fred@gmail.com> wrote in

On Friday, September 29, 2023 at 6:57:11 AM UTC-4, Jan Panteltje wr=
Possible hints of life found on distant planet - how excited should we be=
quote from that link:
Now we have reports that JWST has identified carbon dioxide, methane and =
– possibly – the compound dimethyl sulfide (DMS) in the atm=
The tentative detection of DMS is significant because it is only produced=
on Earth by algae.
We currently know of no way it can be naturally produced without a life-f=

On the really slim 1 in 10^50 chance they could ever visit a place like tha=
t, they would end up bringing back something that could wipe out all living=
creatures. Distance is a good quarantine.

Yes, I\'v read that when the Spanish colonized America, many of the natives were
killed by sicknesses they brought,
In the greater view of things, we, as species, in a universe full of
all sort of varieties of species, are just part of let\'s say \'natural selection\',
made up of elementary particles that will then, when we die, form - or become part of - other species..
all is relative as old Albert E would say. Its fun, and fun to see how big our ego is
with we are a the center, but then we need that to protect the current form
the particles that make us up have taken...

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