OT: How to piss off a pagan - humour


Rich Grise

Found in (on? at?) news:alt.religion.wicca, reproduced here (without
permission, like that would make any difference) for your amusement:
Ways to Piss Off a Pagan!

Ask them to cast a spell on you: then both of you wait to see if it
really did work.

Be considerate: Rearrange their altar so it looks neat.

Blow out their altar candle if it is daylight.
(no need to waste a good candle).

Sweep up the salt they carelessly left at the doorway.

Sharpen their Athame.

Untie the knot in their cords.

Try on their jewelry for fashion sense.

Pick up their crystals for a closer look.

See how far their crystal ball will roll (dogs love this).

Use their runes as extra Dominoes.

Play "Old Maid" with their Tarot cards.

Toss holy water on them "just to see what happens"

Ask them if they are a good witch or a bad witch.

Debate with them about "True Religion".

Ask them if they are Satan worshippers.

Tell them how the bible says they are going to hell, then ask if they
can make you a love potion.

Point to their pentacle necklace, almost touching it, and say "isn't
that supposed to be point down?"

Refer to a business meeting as "a come to Jesus" meeting.

Leave Chick Publication tracts lying about the break rooms & on their

How many Witches does it take to change a light bulb?
Depends on what you want to change it into.

What's the best thing about Pagan friends?
They worship the ground you walk on.

Why does a witch ride on a broom?
Vacuum cleaners have to be plugged into the wall.

Why was the witch thrown out of school?
She couldn't learn to spell.

What's a cold, evil candle called?
The wicked wick of the north.

What happens to a fast witch on a slow broom?
She flies off the handle.

What happens when a flying witch breaks the sound barrier?
You hear the broom boom.

How do you picture yourself flying on a broom?
By witchful thinking.

How many Asatruar "Nordic pagans" does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
None, the light from the burning monestaries is quite enough.

How many Gardnerians does it take to change a light bulb?
I can't say. It's oathbound.

How many (hereditary) witches does it take to change a light bulb?
None ... if a candle was good enough for Gramma, it's good enough for

God, protect me from your followers!

Albert Einstein: "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human
stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

"Black Magic"
Pagans sometimes speak of "secret knowledge," and how "dangerous"
spells can be when misused, or how one shouldn't call on certain
powers. Why aren't they just as frightened by Christian warnings of a
vengeful Creator? Inasmuch as the mind affects the body, sure, I
believe that a strong negative attitude can affect the person who
harbors it, and can also affect how he relates to other people. But I
don't believe that anyone can do me supernatural harm with a "magic
spell" any more than a Christian can do me harm by pronouncing me
damned. And I don't believe I can do any harm to myself by performing a
magical spell and "calling on dangerous beings" any more than I can do
harm to myself by mocking God or invoking Satan. (Of course I would do
none of these things -- why should I call on, mock, or invoke imaginary
beings? And I don't generally make a practice of showing deliberate
disrespect to other peoples' religions.) But I find it highly ironic
that pagans fret about how "dangerous" their spells and gods can be,
but laugh at the prayers of monotheists and the "threat" posed by their

Rich Grise wrote:
Found in (on? at?) news:alt.religion.wicca, reproduced here (without
permission, like that would make any difference) for your amusement:
Ways to Piss Off a Pagan!
.... and what happens if that pagan is Asatru

Ask them to cast a spell on you: then both of you wait to see if it
really did work.
The fist we use to deliver the spell is usually very effective

Be considerate: Rearrange their altar so it looks neat.

Blow out their altar candle if it is daylight.
(no need to waste a good candle).
We prefer a large fire.

Sweep up the salt they carelessly left at the doorway.
Only use it for cooking.

Sharpen their Athame.
We occasionally have a ceremonial spear, but I prefer a razor sharp katana

Untie the knot in their cords.
The noose we occasionally hand from trees?

Try on their jewelry for fashion sense.
A small Thor's Hammer

Pick up their crystals for a closer look.
What crystals?

See how far their crystal ball will roll (dogs love this).
What crystal ball?

Use their runes as extra Dominoes.
You obviously don't know Runes or dominoes.

Play "Old Maid" with their Tarot cards.
Don't use tarot cards.

Toss holy water on them "just to see what happens"
We only use it for cooking.

Ask them if they are a good witch or a bad witch.
Why not try the Asatru equivalent and see what happens - ask us whether we are
good racist thugs or bad ones.

Debate with them about "True Religion".
There's no debate.

Ask them if they are Satan worshippers.
We would like to string them up along with their Xian pals.

Tell them how the bible says they are going to hell, then ask if they
can make you a love potion.
We are going to Hel. It's where the Xians get their 'hell' from.

Point to their pentacle necklace, almost touching it, and say "isn't
that supposed to be point down?"
We don't have pointy stars, just pointy knives, swords, spears and (in the US)
guns. I also had a stun gun and some brass knuckles at one point. Does that count?

Refer to a business meeting as "a come to Jesus" meeting.
Do that anywhere in Europe and you'll gget a belly laugh.

Leave Chick Publication tracts lying about the break rooms & on their
That some kind of porno mag?

"Asatru (Norse) - Hank started a motorcycle gang and left town, but he shows up
every now and then. If you want to join his gang and get the shit kicked out of
you by another gang, all you have to do is kick the shit out of people who
deserve it (or, alternatively, write really kickass rock and roll lyrics) until
somebody makes you leave town. If you join Hank's gang, there's this huge
nightclub outside of town, where we're having a blowout party. Anything goes
there, even bunless wieners and all sorts of condiments."

Seems there was a group of Ku Klux Klansmen in Texas who heard that some
Pagans were holding a ritual out in the woods somewhere. Having run out of other
minorities to harass, they decided to get back to their roots and practice some
religious bigotry in addition to the usual racial intolerance and break up the
party with a good ol' cross-burning.
So anyway, these fellows loaded up some lumber and a couple of cans of gasoline
and went out hunting for these Pagans they'd heard about, hoping to catch them
dancing nekkid around a fire or something.
They found the spot where the other vehicles were parked and donned their hoods.
Grabbing the lumber and gasoline, they assembled a cross and strode off into the
woods, confident that they'd scare any remaining pants off the fluffybunny Pagans.
They were a little disconcerted to find themselves looking at the business end
of at least 2 spears, a couple of swords, assorted knives, and more than one
firearm. They'd crashed an Asatru blot and didn't realize that not all Pagans
are pacifists.
From somewhere behind the hardware, a voice called out "If that cross goes up,
you're getting nailed to it. I've got my hammer right here..."
The Klansmen left in a bit of a hurry, it's said.

"Black Magic"
Pagans sometimes speak of "secret knowledge," and how "dangerous"
spells can be when misused, or how one shouldn't call on certain
powers. Why aren't they just as frightened by Christian warnings of a
vengeful Creator? Inasmuch as the mind affects the body, sure, I
Odin? Nawwww...

believe that a strong negative attitude can affect the person who
harbors it, and can also affect how he relates to other people. But I
don't believe that anyone can do me supernatural harm with a "magic
spell" any more than a Christian can do me harm by pronouncing me
damned. And I don't believe I can do any harm to myself by performing a
See 'Magic Doll' video

magical spell and "calling on dangerous beings" any more than I can do
harm to myself by mocking God or invoking Satan. (Of course I would do
none of these things -- why should I call on, mock, or invoke imaginary
beings? And I don't generally make a practice of showing deliberate
disrespect to other peoples' religions.) But I find it highly ironic
that pagans fret about how "dangerous" their spells and gods can be,
but laugh at the prayers of monotheists and the "threat" posed by their

The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
Rich Grise wrote:
Found in (on? at?) news:alt.religion.wicca, reproduced here (without
permission, like that would make any difference) for your amusement:
Ways to Piss Off a Pagan!

Ask them to cast a spell on you: then both of you wait to see if it
really did work.

Be considerate: Rearrange their altar so it looks neat.

Blow out their altar candle if it is daylight.
(no need to waste a good candle).

Sweep up the salt they carelessly left at the doorway.

Sharpen their Athame.

Untie the knot in their cords.

Try on their jewelry for fashion sense.

Pick up their crystals for a closer look.

See how far their crystal ball will roll (dogs love this).
I walked into a 'new age crystal shop' some time ago and was looking at
some of the neat looking rocks. They had a crystal ball on display and
when the shopkeeper noticed me looking at it, he asked if I was
interested in it. Since it was of the correct diameter, I said yes, if
he could arrange to have the three finger holes drilled in it.

He was not amused.

Paul Hovnanian mailto:paul@Hovnanian.com
All men are mortal. Socrates was mortal. Therefore, all men are
-- Woody Allen
Hey, if we can piss off the republichristains, why not every one else !!!

Dirk Bruere at Neopax wrote:
Rich Grise wrote:

Found in (on? at?) news:alt.religion.wicca, reproduced here (without
permission, like that would make any difference) for your amusement:
Ways to Piss Off a Pagan!

... and what happens if that pagan is Asatru

Ask them to cast a spell on you: then both of you wait to see if it
really did work.

The fist we use to deliver the spell is usually very effective

Be considerate: Rearrange their altar so it looks neat.


Blow out their altar candle if it is daylight.
(no need to waste a good candle).

We prefer a large fire.

Sweep up the salt they carelessly left at the doorway.

Only use it for cooking.

Sharpen their Athame.

We occasionally have a ceremonial spear, but I prefer a razor sharp katana

Untie the knot in their cords.

The noose we occasionally hand from trees?

Try on their jewelry for fashion sense.

A small Thor's Hammer

Pick up their crystals for a closer look.

What crystals?

See how far their crystal ball will roll (dogs love this).

What crystal ball?

Use their runes as extra Dominoes.

You obviously don't know Runes or dominoes.

Play "Old Maid" with their Tarot cards.

Don't use tarot cards.

Toss holy water on them "just to see what happens"

We only use it for cooking.

Ask them if they are a good witch or a bad witch.

Why not try the Asatru equivalent and see what happens - ask us whether
we are good racist thugs or bad ones.

Debate with them about "True Religion".

There's no debate.

Ask them if they are Satan worshippers.

We would like to string them up along with their Xian pals.

Tell them how the bible says they are going to hell, then ask if they
can make you a love potion.

We are going to Hel. It's where the Xians get their 'hell' from.

Point to their pentacle necklace, almost touching it, and say "isn't
that supposed to be point down?"

We don't have pointy stars, just pointy knives, swords, spears and (in
the US) guns. I also had a stun gun and some brass knuckles at one
point. Does that count?

Refer to a business meeting as "a come to Jesus" meeting.

Do that anywhere in Europe and you'll gget a belly laugh.

Leave Chick Publication tracts lying about the break rooms & on their

That some kind of porno mag?


"Asatru (Norse) - Hank started a motorcycle gang and left town, but he
shows up every now and then. If you want to join his gang and get the
shit kicked out of you by another gang, all you have to do is kick the
shit out of people who deserve it (or, alternatively, write really
kickass rock and roll lyrics) until somebody makes you leave town. If
you join Hank's gang, there's this huge nightclub outside of town, where
we're having a blowout party. Anything goes there, even bunless wieners
and all sorts of condiments."

Seems there was a group of Ku Klux Klansmen in Texas who heard that
some Pagans were holding a ritual out in the woods somewhere. Having run
out of other minorities to harass, they decided to get back to their
roots and practice some religious bigotry in addition to the usual
racial intolerance and break up the party with a good ol' cross-burning.
So anyway, these fellows loaded up some lumber and a couple of cans of
gasoline and went out hunting for these Pagans they'd heard about,
hoping to catch them dancing nekkid around a fire or something.
They found the spot where the other vehicles were parked and donned
their hoods. Grabbing the lumber and gasoline, they assembled a cross
and strode off into the woods, confident that they'd scare any remaining
pants off the fluffybunny Pagans.
They were a little disconcerted to find themselves looking at the
business end of at least 2 spears, a couple of swords, assorted knives,
and more than one firearm. They'd crashed an Asatru blot and didn't
realize that not all Pagans are pacifists.
From somewhere behind the hardware, a voice called out "If that cross
goes up, you're getting nailed to it. I've got my hammer right here..."
The Klansmen left in a bit of a hurry, it's said.

"Black Magic"
Pagans sometimes speak of "secret knowledge," and how "dangerous"
spells can be when misused, or how one shouldn't call on certain
powers. Why aren't they just as frightened by Christian warnings of a
vengeful Creator? Inasmuch as the mind affects the body, sure, I

Odin? Nawwww...

believe that a strong negative attitude can affect the person who
harbors it, and can also affect how he relates to other people. But I
don't believe that anyone can do me supernatural harm with a "magic
spell" any more than a Christian can do me harm by pronouncing me
damned. And I don't believe I can do any harm to myself by performing a

See 'Magic Doll' video

magical spell and "calling on dangerous beings" any more than I can do
harm to myself by mocking God or invoking Satan. (Of course I would do
none of these things -- why should I call on, mock, or invoke imaginary
beings? And I don't generally make a practice of showing deliberate
disrespect to other peoples' religions.) But I find it highly ironic
that pagans fret about how "dangerous" their spells and gods can be,
but laugh at the prayers of monotheists and the "threat" posed by their


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
Dirk Bruere at Neopax wrote:

Rich Grise wrote:

Tell them how the bible says they are going to hell, then ask if they
can make you a love potion.

We are going to Hel. It's where the Xians get their 'hell' from.
ROTFLMAO. Should you arrive first, save me a coal to sit on, I hear all
the most interesting people are going to be their. Who gets the seats of
honor? Violent men can only kill a few at a time. It takes engineers to
manufacture death in industrial quantity =)

Of course, it takes politicians, priests, professors and journalists to
talk the stupid masses into their folly. They are sure to be 1st in "The
Kingdom of God".



DIY Piezo-Gyro, PCB Drill Bot & More Soon!

A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles.
The conduct of public affairs for private advantage. - Ambrose Bierce

There is no giant behind the devastation of the world—only a shriveled
creature with the wizened
face of a child who is out to blow up the kitchen because he cannot
steal his cookies and eat them, too. - Ayn Rand
In article <pan.2005.>,
richgrise@example.net says...
Found in (on? at?) news:alt.religion.wicca, reproduced here (without
permission, like that would make any difference) for your amusement:
Ways to Piss Off a Pagan!
Don't forget the how to piss off a christian :

Make ANY joke about their religion,

Bad Jesus joke for the day :

I'm not sure if Jesus was REALLY gay, but I heard he got nailed by a
couple of guys.
On Thu, 28 Apr 2005 14:48:25 GMT, James Beck wrote:

In article <pan.2005.>,
richgrise@example.net says...
Found in (on? at?) news:alt.religion.wicca, reproduced here (without
permission, like that would make any difference) for your amusement:
Ways to Piss Off a Pagan!

Don't forget the how to piss off a christian :

Make ANY joke about their religion,

Bad Jesus joke for the day :

I'm not sure if Jesus was REALLY gay, but I heard he got nailed by a
couple of guys.
Jesus walks into a hotel, tosses three nails on the desk and says:
"Can you put me up for the night?"

In article <1svyhys1xj1mn.4bqqnikbfvyq.dlg@40tude.net>,
roberts@dcxchol.com says...
On Thu, 28 Apr 2005 14:48:25 GMT, James Beck wrote:

In article <pan.2005.>,
richgrise@example.net says...
Found in (on? at?) news:alt.religion.wicca, reproduced here (without
permission, like that would make any difference) for your amusement:
Ways to Piss Off a Pagan!

Don't forget the how to piss off a christian :

Make ANY joke about their religion,

Bad Jesus joke for the day :

I'm not sure if Jesus was REALLY gay, but I heard he got nailed by a
couple of guys.

Jesus walks into a hotel, tosses three nails on the desk and says:
"Can you put me up for the night?"


I like that one even better.
On Thu, 28 Apr 2005 08:47:10 +0100, John Woodgate wrote:

I read in sci.electronics.design that Rich Grise <richgrise@example.net
wrote (in <pan.2005.>) about 'OT: How
to piss off a pagan - humour', on Wed, 27 Apr 2005:

And I don't believe I can do any harm to myself by performing a magical
spell and "calling on dangerous beings"

There are things you can do that are very likely to induce mental
illness rather quickly. This is, IMHO, where the danger lies in some
rituals. Naturally, psychologists are not researching this, because it
would be highly unethical.

I read of an instance totally outside religion. A mathematician was
studying a problem in four dimensional geometry that is often treated by
allocating colours to the 3-dimensional 'faces' of the four-dimensional
'objects'. He decided to explore all the combinations of colours that
could occur under certain constraints and visualised them as a
'procession' of coloured solids.

He found that he couldn't 'stop the procession', and needed psychiatric
help to escape from that condition.
Psychiatrist!!?!?!?? Heck, all he really would have needed is an
experienced acid trip guide. ;-)

I read in sci.electronics.design that Rich Grise <richgrise@example.net>
wrote (in <pan.2005.>) about 'OT: How
to piss off a pagan - humour', on Thu, 28 Apr 2005:

Psychiatrist!!?!?!?? Heck, all he really would have needed is an
experienced acid trip guide. ;-)
How do you know the shrink wasn't one of them as well?
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
There are two sides to every question, except
'What is a Moebius strip?'
http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk Also see http://www.isce.org.uk
Scott Stephens wrote:
Dirk Bruere at Neopax wrote:
Rich Grise wrote:

Tell them how the bible says they are going to hell, then ask if they
can make you a love potion.

We are going to Hel. It's where the Xians get their 'hell' from.

ROTFLMAO. Should you arrive first, save me a coal to sit on, I hear all
the most interesting people are going to be their. Who gets the seats of
honor? Violent men can only kill a few at a time. It takes engineers to
manufacture death in industrial quantity =)

Of course, it takes politicians, priests, professors and journalists to
talk the stupid masses into their folly. They are sure to be 1st in "The
Kingdom of God".
Hel is a kind of Elysian Fields where the dead await rebirth into the world.
The really top of the range killers get to go to Valhalla and fight for Odin at


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
James Beck wrote:

In article <1svyhys1xj1mn.4bqqnikbfvyq.dlg@40tude.net>,
roberts@dcxchol.com says...

On Thu, 28 Apr 2005 14:48:25 GMT, James Beck wrote:

In article <pan.2005.>,
richgrise@example.net says...

Found in (on? at?) news:alt.religion.wicca, reproduced here (without
permission, like that would make any difference) for your amusement:
Ways to Piss Off a Pagan!

Don't forget the how to piss off a christian :

Make ANY joke about their religion,

Bad Jesus joke for the day :

I'm not sure if Jesus was REALLY gay, but I heard he got nailed by a
couple of guys.

Jesus walks into a hotel, tosses three nails on the desk and says:
"Can you put me up for the night?"


I like that one even better.
What a way to spend Easter...


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
John Woodgate wrote:

I read in sci.electronics.design that Rich Grise <richgrise@example.net
wrote (in <pan.2005.>) about 'OT: How
to piss off a pagan - humour', on Wed, 27 Apr 2005:

And I don't believe I can do any harm to myself by performing a
magical spell and "calling on dangerous beings"

There are things you can do that are very likely to induce mental
illness rather quickly. This is, IMHO, where the danger lies in some
rituals. Naturally, psychologists are not researching this, because it
would be highly unethical.

I read of an instance totally outside religion. A mathematician was
studying a problem in four dimensional geometry that is often treated by
allocating colours to the 3-dimensional 'faces' of the four-dimensional
'objects'. He decided to explore all the combinations of colours that
could occur under certain constraints and visualised them as a
'procession' of coloured solids.

He found that he couldn't 'stop the procession', and needed psychiatric
help to escape from that condition.
Lucky it wasn't the ultimate joke.


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
On Thu, 28 Apr 2005 18:53:24 +0100, John Woodgate wrote:

I read in sci.electronics.design that Rich Grise <richgrise@example.net
wrote (in <pan.2005.>) about 'OT: How
to piss off a pagan - humour', on Thu, 28 Apr 2005:

Psychiatrist!!?!?!?? Heck, all he really would have needed is an
experienced acid trip guide. ;-)

How do you know the shrink wasn't one of them as well?
Telepathically, of course. ;-)

On Thu, 28 Apr 2005 21:53:52 +0100, Dirk Bruere at Neopax wrote:

John Woodgate wrote:

I read in sci.electronics.design that Rich Grise <richgrise@example.net
wrote (in <pan.2005.>) about 'OT: How
to piss off a pagan - humour', on Wed, 27 Apr 2005:

And I don't believe I can do any harm to myself by performing a
magical spell and "calling on dangerous beings"

There are things you can do that are very likely to induce mental
illness rather quickly. This is, IMHO, where the danger lies in some
rituals. Naturally, psychologists are not researching this, because it
would be highly unethical.

I read of an instance totally outside religion. A mathematician was
studying a problem in four dimensional geometry that is often treated by
allocating colours to the 3-dimensional 'faces' of the four-dimensional
'objects'. He decided to explore all the combinations of colours that
could occur under certain constraints and visualised them as a
'procession' of coloured solids.

He found that he couldn't 'stop the procession', and needed psychiatric
help to escape from that condition.

Lucky it wasn't the ultimate joke.
The secret isn't to "stop the procession", but to figure out how/where
conventional reality fits into it. :)

It's a lot of fun out here on the outskirts of the lunatic fringe,
albeit a little lonesome at times. )-;

"Dirk Bruere at Neopax" <dirk@neopax.com> wrote in message
John Woodgate wrote:

I read in sci.electronics.design that Rich Grise <richgrise@example.net
wrote (in <pan.2005.>) about 'OT: How to
piss off a pagan - humour', on Wed, 27 Apr 2005:

And I don't believe I can do any harm to myself by performing a magical
spell and "calling on dangerous beings"

There are things you can do that are very likely to induce mental illness
rather quickly. This is, IMHO, where the danger lies in some rituals.
Naturally, psychologists are not researching this, because it would be
highly unethical.

I read of an instance totally outside religion. A mathematician was
studying a problem in four dimensional geometry that is often treated by
allocating colours to the 3-dimensional 'faces' of the four-dimensional
'objects'. He decided to explore all the combinations of colours that
could occur under certain constraints and visualised them as a
'procession' of coloured solids.

He found that he couldn't 'stop the procession', and needed psychiatric
help to escape from that condition.

Lucky it wasn't the ultimate joke.


You mean "The Funniest Joke Ever Written"? Could only be written by a team
of people who each wrote one line before passing it on.....? (One poor soul
read two lines and had to be hospitalized).

Dave wrote:

Rich Grise wrote:

Found in (on? at?) news:alt.religion.wicca, reproduced here
(without permission, like that would make any difference)
for your amusement:
Ways to Piss Off a Pagan! [...]

Is this a West coast thing? I find the Christian nutjobs far more
worrying, since they have much more political power and are every bit
as insane/irrational.
Why Pagans are not usually accepted as a 'real' religion.

1) They dont come to your door telling you to join them or you are going
to hell.

2) They dont fight amoungst themselves over what version of their own
religion is the *right* one.

3) They dont spend their time attacking other religions.

4) They dont collect a lot of money for large, expensive, cathedrals.

5) They dont go to war to promote their beliefs.

6) They dont torture and murder those of other beliefs.

No doubt about it, they just to qualify as a *real* religion!

Luhan Monat (luhanis 'at' yahoo 'dot' com)
"The future is not what it used to be..."
"Luhan Monat" <x@y.z> wrote in message news:B6sce.883$UY.600@fed1read01...
Why Pagans are not usually accepted as a 'real' religion.

2) They dont fight amoungst themselves over what version of their own
religion is the *right* one.
Sure they do. See: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Square/7290/
Joel Kolstad wrote:
"Luhan Monat" <x@y.z> wrote in message news:B6sce.883$UY.600@fed1read01...

Why Pagans are not usually accepted as a 'real' religion.

2) They dont fight amoungst themselves over what version of their own
religion is the *right* one.

Sure they do. See: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Square/7290/

My error, there are some 'fundamentalist' wiccans known as
'traditionalist'. Just like the fundamentalists in any religion, they
are the cause of most of the problems. Most other wiccans pretty much
just ignore them.

Luhan Monat (luhanis 'at' yahoo 'dot' com)
"The future is not what it used to be..."
In article <JDtce.894$UY.617@fed1read01>, x@y.z says...
Joel Kolstad wrote:
"Luhan Monat" <x@y.z> wrote in message news:B6sce.883$UY.600@fed1read01...

Why Pagans are not usually accepted as a 'real' religion.

2) They dont fight amoungst themselves over what version of their own
religion is the *right* one.

Sure they do. See: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Square/7290/

My error, there are some 'fundamentalist' wiccans known as
'traditionalist'. Just like the fundamentalists in any religion, they
are the cause of most of the problems. Most other wiccans pretty much
just ignore them.
One website does not a war make.
Christians have actually KILLED each other over such disagreements.
I have yet to see a wiccan jihad.


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