Next ‘supercontinent’ formation could wipe out h umans: Study...


Fred Bloggs

\"The formation of the next “supercontinent” on Earth could wipe out most mammals, including humans and cause our planet, as we know it, to become uninhabitable. But there are still around 250 million years left for this to possibly happen, according to a study published in Nature Geoscience on Monday (September 25). \"

You can\'t start preparations for something like this too soon!
On Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 10:52:31 PM UTC+10, Fred Bloggs wrote:
\"The formation of the next “supercontinent” on Earth could wipe out most mammals, including humans and cause our planet, as we know it, to become uninhabitable. But there are still around 250 million years left for this to possibly happen, according to a study published in Nature Geoscience on Monday (September 25). \"

You can\'t start preparations for something like this too soon!

The average vertebrate species lasts about ten million years, so our descendants should have time to evolve into a bunch of newer and hopefully more resilient species.

Or we could work out how to get the continents to drift to where we want them to go. A bit of heat transfer across the mantle should do the trick. Magna pluming anybody?

Bil Sloman, Sydney
On 2023-09-26 08:52, Fred Bloggs wrote:
\"The formation of the next “supercontinent” on Earth could wipe out most mammals, including humans and cause our planet, as we know it, to become uninhabitable. But there are still around 250 million years left for this to possibly happen, according to a study published in Nature Geoscience on Monday (September 25).\"

You can\'t start preparations for something like this too soon!

I\'m encouraged that you\'re now worrying that far out--life on Earth may
survive past next Whitsun after all. ;)

Fortunately, before the supercontinent has a chance to do what this item
suggests, there are 250e6 * 365.25 ~= 90 billion
news cycles for it to disappear into.


Phil Hobbs
On Friday, September 29, 2023 at 8:50:44 PM UTC-4, Phil Hobbs wrote:
On 2023-09-26 08:52, Fred Bloggs wrote:
\"The formation of the next “supercontinent” on Earth could wipe out most mammals, including humans and cause our planet, as we know it, to become uninhabitable. But there are still around 250 million years left for this to possibly happen, according to a study published in Nature Geoscience on Monday (September 25).\"

You can\'t start preparations for something like this too soon!

I\'m encouraged that you\'re now worrying that far out--life on Earth may
survive past next Whitsun after all. ;)

Fortunately, before the supercontinent has a chance to do what this item
suggests, there are 250e6 * 365.25 ~= 90 billion
news cycles for it to disappear into.

Hasn\'t the sun been fine with that for over 4 billion years now? It will probably last for billions more. The 250 million years is nothing.


Phil Hobbs
The idiot Fred Bloggs <> persisting in being an Off-topic troll...

Fred Bloggs <> wrote:

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