Measuring DC voltage in RF field


Dieter Brozio


I am looking for a small DC probe which is able to measure
analouge voltages from 1...25V inside a RF field of more than 300 V/m.

I tried it with probes of Langer-EMV and Teseo. Probes of Teseo
are too big (no homogenous field) and those of Langer are only able up
to 200 V/m.

Since I have destroyed the second set of 500 EUR I should better
ask for alternatives. :)

Any ideas? Any experiences with other probes? Thank you in advance.

Can you explain the problem better.

A DC meter with low pass filter will ignore the RF.

You could make the probe with series resistnace and the meter a hi z DC
input. The resistors will attenuate the RF.

Mark wrote:
Can you explain the problem better.

A DC meter with low pass filter will ignore the RF.

You could make the probe with series resistnace and the meter a hi z DC
input. The resistors will attenuate the RF.

Err...even an analog DC meter can have measurement problems in high RF
However, they are better than even tube-based meters, which are far
better than any solid state crap^H^H^H^H metering systems.
DC measurements are the least problematic, then resistance
measurements, and then AC measurements are the nasty hard class.
There was a true story of a drunk in a city that heard music and
talking; turned out that the fire escape he was sleeping by was
vibrating - it acted like a complete radio receiver for the high powered
AM transmitter that was only a few miles away.

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