HP 8590A Spectrum Analyzer service manual?


Peter Simpson

Looking for a service "product support" manual for this 1990 vintage
spec analyzer. Haven't been able to find one at the "usual sources".
Would like to borrow, copy and return.

Will provide references, postage both ways.

Peter, KA1AXY
I have an 8591E. Got all the manuals from Agilent's web site. I was also
lucky one day to be given an Assembly Level Repair (ALR) manual that has ALL
the parts listed, but unfortunately not much in the schematic area. It was
probably a big PDF file.

At one time I asked Agilent if there was anything else available that would
have complete schematics, and I was told that the ALR was the closest I'd
get. I was very thankful for that.

If your address is good on QRZ I could burn a CD-ROM of all the 859X stuff
I've accumulated and send it to you.

Bob M.
"Peter Simpson" <ka1axy73@hotmail.com> wrote in message
Looking for a service "product support" manual for this 1990 vintage
spec analyzer. Haven't been able to find one at the "usual sources".
Would like to borrow, copy and return.

Will provide references, postage both ways.

Peter, KA1AXY
<< Looking for a service "product support" manual for this 1990 vintage
spec analyzer. >>


There is an interesting web site for manuals run by the US Army. See:


I did a search on "spectrum" in the box for titles, but did not find the 8590
listed. I suppose it is still possible that it is there but just not
identified. If you happen to know a military designation for that or a similar
instrument, it might be there.

I wonder if there are similar web sites for the other military branches?

Hi, I have service manual for hp8590D (pdf format 12 Meg). If you are
interested, send me a email and I will return you this document.

"Fred McKenzie" <fmmck@aol.com> a écrit dans le message de
Looking for a service "product support" manual for this 1990 vintage
spec analyzer.


There is an interesting web site for manuals run by the US Army. See:


I did a search on "spectrum" in the box for titles, but did not find the
listed. I suppose it is still possible that it is there but just not
identified. If you happen to know a military designation for that or a
instrument, it might be there.

I wonder if there are similar web sites for the other military branches?


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