Errattic VCR Behaviour



Hi there..

I have two Panasonic VCRs that seem to have the same Fault.
Panasonic L20
Panasonic G 45

Origially the L20 had a failed power supply, Which was rectified by
replacing a 1uf Cap, which had failed.

Both Units now power up with there Displays.
What happens as soon as the VTR or Power button is pressed, the Tape
Carriage Mechanism begins to load, with or Without a Cassette.

When a cassette is actually inserted, the Carriage will 90% of the time load
it into the VCR.
Playback and FF/RW funtions seem to work fine, except when going to Eject
the Tape.
This is when the VCR seems to get confused, asthough it doesnt know where it
is. or what proceedure it should be carrying out.
Occasionally both units will shut themselves down into standby.

Usually it takes a few times from Play, Stop then Eject to get the VCR to
finally proceed with Ejecting the tape.
I was possibly thinking of looking at the modeswitch on both these units..

Anyone have any ideas ?


Ren (NZ)

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