Elektor Electronics new website

On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 15:54:46 GMT, Rich Grise <richgrise@example.net>
put finger to keyboard and composed:

So, given this groove pitch, how many grooves are there, on average, on
one side of a typical LP?
The groove is a spiral. You can calculate the number of turns from the
RPM (33.3) and the playing time (~25min).

Nturns = RPM x T = 33.3 x 25 = 833
Pitch = 8cm / 833 = 0.1mm

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 's' from my address when replying by email.
So, given this groove pitch, how many grooves are there, on average, on
one side of a typical LP?

Right... but you wanted to know how many times it passes beside itself...
let's think a moment.

You can get 30 minutes of music on a 33 1/3 rpm disc. That's 1000
revolutions. The disc is 12 inches in diameter of which the central 4
inches or so are taken up by the label. So that's about 3 inches, or at the
very most 100 mm, from edge to center of the recorded area. So I calculate
the groove is at most 0.1 mm wide.

The typical stylus is 0.7 mil = 0.0007 inch = 0.02 mm wide at the tip.
On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 14:43:33 -0500, mc wrote:

So, given this groove pitch, how many grooves are there, on average, on
one side of a typical LP?


Right... but you wanted to know how many times it passes beside itself...
let's think a moment.
I didn't (watch your quoting). I simply answered the question asked. ;-)

"mc" <mc_no_spam@uga.edu> wrote in message news:<4220d890$1@mustang.speedfactory.net>...
I think you're thinking of magnetic cartridges. There are also
piezoelectric cartridges, popular in cheap record players in the 1950s
because they gave nearly a volt of output (with high impedance of course),
suitable for amplification by a single tube.
I can see there is a bit of a misundertanding here.

The equipment in the article didn't use a gramophone cartridge
(neither magnetic, piezo, crystal or any other kind)

It used a steel needle attached to a piezo crystal (as found in a
piezo sounder for example) The metal electrode was split to provide a
tiny differential motion to the needle.
On 17 Feb 2005 10:47:27 -0800, homelab@hotmail.co.uk (HomeLab) wrote:

Rick Fox <NewsGroups@softhome.net> wrote in message news:<4i09119mjg512r0pknuapc18epjennbtqi@4ax.com>...

Elektor has stopped providing their PCB layouts as free .pdf
downloads. That means we have to go back to photocopying the layouts
from the magazine, like we did years ago, or buy the full .pdf article
(which Elektor says is the answer - even though we have already paid
for the magazine)

As a long term subscriber (1983) I am disgusted, and have told Elektor

I will be canceling my subscription and stop buying the magazine if
they don't change their minds on this. That's how strongly I feel. I
will *not* take this huge backwards step in amateur PCB making.

Please, anyone else who feels the same about this, email them and
visit the 'non technical' forum on their new website.


well in the same forum the mag editor advises that they are working to
solve the problem so some patience may be in order. I've seen this
sort of swing before, usually the staff that do the actual work are
not to blame. I'll check again in a week's time.


Elektor have responded to the problem - their response is to only
provide free .pdf files if the layout was not printed in the magazine.
If it was, no free file any more.

They have started deleting my questions on their forum - they are
trying to censor the issue.

Please understand that I am not the dirt-stirring type. I have been a
reader of Elektor since 1983 and am simply amazed at what they have
now done, and disgusted.

Again I would ask anyone who would like to continue having access
(without paying more money) to the PCB .pdf's to email Elektor and

"Rick Fox" <NewsGroups@softhome.net> wrote in message

Elektor have responded to the problem - their response is to only
provide free .pdf files if the layout was not printed in the magazine.
If it was, no free file any more.

They have started deleting my questions on their forum - they are
trying to censor the issue.

I agree.

The PCB file is pretty useless without the article text,
so who cares if someone grabs it for free.
They'll still need to buy a magazine, or subscribe.

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