Display Problem


Ma Pu

Hi everybody,

I am trying using SSH secure shell from my redhat linux to access
Cadence in my office and there is the problem regarding display. I tried
two means to deal with the display:
(1) xhost + server, ssh to server, export DISPLAY=mymachine:0.0; , and
then start Cadence.
(2): xhost + server, ssh to server and start Cadence.

For the first scenario, after Cadence start up, it give the following
information, then exit automatically.

*ERROR* X Window Display Initialization failure
*WARNING* X Window Display Initialization failure

For the second scenario, after Cadence startup, I can see my circuit,
however, the circuit's display area is out my screen. That means, I can
only see part of the circuit and the window can not be moved.

Can anybody help me figure out what's the problem?

Thanks for help!



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