Determining a magnet's life?


Terry Pinnell

I've been pleased with this pair of 'magnetic' sandals I bought a
couple of summers ago. I just slip a foot into one, shake it a bit if
necessary, and the pair of magnets mounted in its strap automatically
fastens it securely with a sharp snap.

Anyone know the approximate 'life' of such magnets? Are we talking
decades, centuries or millennia?

Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK
Terry Pinnell wrote:
I've been pleased with this pair of 'magnetic' sandals I bought a
couple of summers ago. I just slip a foot into one, shake it a bit if
necessary, and the pair of magnets mounted in its strap automatically
fastens it securely with a sharp snap.

Anyone know the approximate 'life' of such magnets? Are we talking
decades, centuries or millennia?

Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK
Depends on the formulation.
Older ("first" generation) Alnicos were a bit "soft" and certain
storage conditions could make them lose some of their magnetization in a
few years.
AFAIK all new Alnicos and rare-earth types will last until they get
heated to or above their Curie point.
The "plastic" magnets are very wimpy and canot be trusted...

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