Creating Symbols Eagle


Jan Johnson

Being a new user of Eagle Cadsoft, I am very frustrated with the
quirks. Can anyone tell me how to CUT (copy) a symbol in one library
and PASTE it in a different library to create a new device? I opened
the LED.lbr selected the symbol for U57x32. I used the CUT command. I
then opened my custom.lbr. But got the message "paste buffer is
empty." What did I do wrong? or Perhaps there is a better method to
accomplish my objective: I want to use the U57x32 symbol in a
schematic, but create a new package to use in the PC Board. Thanks in
advance for any help offered.
You have to GROUP what you want first then use the scissors icon. CtlC
will not work.

Jan Johnson wrote:
Being a new user of Eagle Cadsoft, I am very frustrated with the
quirks. Can anyone tell me how to CUT (copy) a symbol in one library
and PASTE it in a different library to create a new device? I opened
the LED.lbr selected the symbol for U57x32. I used the CUT command. I
then opened my custom.lbr. But got the message "paste buffer is
empty." What did I do wrong? or Perhaps there is a better method to
accomplish my objective: I want to use the U57x32 symbol in a
schematic, but create a new package to use in the PC Board. Thanks in
advance for any help offered.

Glenn Ashmore

I'm building a 45' cutter in strip/composite. Watch my progress (or lack
there of) at:
Shameless Commercial Division:
On 22 Jul 2003 12:55:53 -0700 in sci.electronics.cad, (Jan Johnson) wrote:

Being a new user of Eagle Cadsoft, I am very frustrated with the
Yeah, the user interface is obviously not based on Windows standards.

the LED.lbr selected the symbol for U57x32. I used the CUT command. I
then opened my custom.lbr. But got the message "paste buffer is
empty." What did I do wrong?
Most likely, after "Cut" you forgot to indicate _what_ to cut.
I.E. right-click to cut your previously created group.
Chris Carlen schrieb:

Yeah, the user interface is obviously not based on Windows standards.
This is good, since it is much more efficient this way.

Most likely, after "Cut" you forgot to indicate _what_ to cut.
I.E. right-click to cut your previously created group.
You can also use the left mouse button to explicitly set a reference
coordinate for the later PASTE operation. I prefer this method
to not get into trouble with grid alignment.

The program is primarily developed on Linux, and ported to Windows, like
any serious technical software would be.
Wrong. When EAGLE was first developed, Linux didn't exist at all.
It was DOS based first, later ported to Windows, and finally also
to Linux (which was possible due to using the Qt library from
TrollTech which is available for both systems).

BTW: CadSoft has its own news server ( with support,
suggest and userchat groups for EAGLE in german as well as in english

Dipl.-Ing. Tilmann Reh
Autometer GmbH Siegen - Elektronik nach Maß.

In a world without walls and fences, who needs Windows and Gates ?
(Sun Microsystems) (Jan Johnson) wrote in message news:<>...

Thanks for your suggestions. What I discovered was with symbols I had
to select all layers first, then group, then cut, then open target
library, create new symbol and then paste. But following the same
procedure, I still can't cut and paste packages. Any ideas here?
Jan Johnson schrieb:

Thanks for your suggestions. What I discovered was with symbols I had
to select all layers first, then group, then cut, then open target
library, create new symbol and then paste. But following the same
procedure, I still can't cut and paste packages. Any ideas here?
It works exactly the same way.
Obviously you missed something. Perhaps the famous click...

Dipl.-Ing. Tilmann Reh
Autometer GmbH Siegen - Elektronik nach Maß.

In a world without walls and fences, who needs Windows and Gates ?
(Sun Microsystems)
Can anyone tell me how to CUT (copy) a symbol in one library
and PASTE it in a different library to create a new device?

Wouter van Ooijen

-- ------------------------------------
PICmicro chips, programmers, consulting
Jan Johnson schrieb:

Yes, I missed the famous click. But now the custom library that I
created does not appear in the pull down list when I click ADD. Is
this another quirk?

Also look at
And try to directly access the EAGLE newsgroups, they'd help you.

Dipl.-Ing. Tilmann Reh
Autometer GmbH Siegen - Elektronik nach Maß.

In a world without walls and fences, who needs Windows and Gates ?
(Sun Microsystems)
Le 23/07/2003 23:45:27, a écrit:
Tilmann Reh <> wrote in message news:<>...
Jan Johnson schrieb:

It works exactly the same way.
Obviously you missed something. Perhaps the famous click...

Yes, I missed the famous click. But now the custom library that I
created does not appear in the pull down list when I click ADD. Is
this another quirk?

You should go to Cadsoft news server and you'll find appropriate and very
active newsgroups (german and english) .

Christian - Grenoble
Tilmann Reh wrote:
The program is primarily developed on Linux, and ported to Windows, like
any serious technical software would be.

Wrong. When EAGLE was first developed, Linux didn't exist at all.
It was DOS based first, later ported to Windows, and finally also
to Linux (which was possible due to using the Qt library from
TrollTech which is available for both systems).

BTW: CadSoft has its own news server ( with support,
suggest and userchat groups for EAGLE in german as well as in english
Tilman, I vaguely recal a conversatoin on the cadsoft newsgroup with
Klaus or on of the Cadsoft folks, who said that they are developing on

I know the history was DOS->Winblows->Linux, but the question is what
are they developing on *today* and are they porting after revisions, or
revising two parallel sources?

Good day!

Christopher R. Carlen
Suse 8.1 Linux 2.4.19

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