Bad smell DreamPC2006 possibly identified...


Skybuck Flying

The cause of the bad smell is most likely the black plastic of the cpu ventilator and/or internal electronics of it. After 17 years of heat...(zypang scythe) (smell cheap recycled plastic ?)

Another explanation could be sewing oil dripped into it, however after cleaning it still smells.

Most likely the ventilator/fan can be left off as airflow of pc case antec 1200 is enough.

I also pulled of cpu cooler and moved metal clips to middle vertical position/slot. Attaches much easier, slight risk of fall down but plastic pins/holders seem intact/strong. Construction seems sturdy.
I used pliers to squeeze metal pins together at top construction so metal clips could come off.

I did not bother to re-apply fresh paste. Seems good enough. Small drop indeed pushed it across entire square.

I am slighty worried about micro air bubbles, but for now I go with it ;)

Bye for now,

Welcome to

