Article: Measuring Frequency Response

xray wrote:
Thanks, but this is a web page with figures interspersed. The web page
is fine but hard to print nicely. A formatted version with imbedded
images would be the solution. I tried to convert it but I was reporting
on my failure to generate one with free or available tools.

Maybe someone else has better success. Otherwise, the web page has all
the information, and I found a way to locally print the content. I just
tried (and failed) to make an easily printable version for download.

Thanks, again, to Tim for writing and sharing the web page.

Did you try printing the web page with something like PDF995? Not
always pretty, but it will print the pictures along with the text. Its a
shell for ghostscript.

Former professional electron wrangler.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
Tim Wescott <> writes:

FWIW it was authored in OpenOffice,
Good man! Long live open source!!! Boo to MS.
Randy Yates
Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications
Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, 919-472-1124
..... MicroWank Intersnuff Expunger ....
ROTFL ...I put that into my registry as a window title for IE ... :))
˛˛ ˛˛ Regards , SPAJKY ®
\\.//_. mail addr. @ my site @
\°/ ".. long live & prosper.." - 3rd Anniversary running it:
|| "Tualatin OC-ed / BX-Slot1 / inaudible setup!"

If you are using MicroWank Intersnuff Expunger then go to....

Click File, Save As, Web Page Complete and save it somewhere. I think
you might have done so.....

Then, go to.....

and download a nice bit of the soft.

You might also need the Java runtime engine.....

Having installed your balls then you will be able to do a File Open in
Open Office thing from the bit that Tim wrote and you saved as a
complete webfile.


Then you click on the PDF icon in the Open Office toolbar and it saves
it as a PDF file.......

And I have to say that the translation is Mother Beautiful!

If you don't want to go through such huge downloads..... I dunno, you
got ghostscript..... go the whole hog, then it's posted in ABSE....

Err, if it turns up.

FWIW it was authored in OpenOffice, then saved as HTML. Given the
comments I may save it as PDF next time -- this would actually save me
some post-production effort, but would increase download times for the


Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services

Welcome to

