9V 1A schematic needed

"lemonjuice" <exskimos@anonymous.to> wrote in message
On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 08:29:44 -0800, "Larry Brasfield"
donotspam_larry_brasfield@hotmail.com> wrote:
"lemonjuice" <exskimos@anonymous.to> wrote in message
Higher capacitance means less ripple which means higher average current

Huh? If you hold everything else constant, (including the
DC current taken from the cap by the regulator/load),
then Idc stays constant and so does the amount of
charge transferred per line cycle.

Mr Brasfield. I'm changing the Capacitance which is not going to hold
everything constant. I guess you know that I inst = V inst * jwC => I
change C => I change the instantaneous current I inst. Idc is the mean
of that .. so Idc HAS TO change. All very simple.
I have never seen the instantaneous value of a signal
multiplied by its frequency like that. It may be simple
to you, but your formula appears to be taken from a
private language of your own. It mystifies me.

Perhaps we can simplify this by showing that Idc HAS TO
NOT change when the load current stays constant. I will
start with assumed conditions and points of agreement.

The average value of current taken out of the cap is
constant, is called Iload, and line frequency is constant.
The average value of current into the cap is called 'Idc'.

We are assuming an equilibrium where the peak and
valley voltages on the cap do not change from cycle
to cycle. In other words, repetitive waveforms.

Then we can say that, on a per cycle basis, the same
amount of charge is removed from the cap (going to
the regulator/load and now named 'Qcapout') as is
added to the cap (and now named 'Qcapin'.)

If we call the time separating charging cycles 'Tcy', then
Qcapin / Tcy == Qcapout / Tcy

Qcapin / Tcy is the same value as Idc.

Qcapout / Tcy is the same value as Iload.

Idc == Iload

Since Iload is constant, so is Idc.

Notice that you can change the C value all you like
without changing a bit of the above analysis. Note
also that it pertains whether the charging current is
a sinusoid fragment or not.

As Idc is directly proportional to Irms and hence is DEPENDENT
(and not independent as someone claims) on Irms... Irms also

Whatever makes you think Idc = K * Irms where K
is a constant? Anybody who analyzes this correctly
can see that, if Idc is held constant, Irms increases
as the conduction angle decreases. This is all very

Mr. Brasfield . You can actually see it using common sense but as you
seem so stubborn here goes.
My common sense about the circuit operation and
analysis I have done are what led me to differ with you.
If believing my own carefully done analysis until it is
shown to be wrong is 'stubborn', then count me in.

the definition of Idc is assuming f = 60Hz
Idc = 1/T* Integral( Ipeak*Sin 2*PI*60*t) dt
the definition of Irms is
Irms = sqrt (1/T Integral ( Ipeak^2 * Sin^ 2*PI*60*t) dt)
Carry out the integration and tell me if you don't get my result.
I have done that very integration. Part of the problem
here is that the limits of integration that you need to
use to get a number out of it are changing under the
stated assumption that C is changing. I do not see
that incorporated into your result or thinking, yet.
When you do that, you will find that Idc and Irms
are no longer proportional. Another issue is that
under the assumption that capacitance is changing
(and that it matters), the currents in question are
not sinusoid fragments as your expressions claim.

As for "(and not independent as someone claims)", you
have (apparently) misunderstood and misconstrued my
remarks. Since they make sense in their original context,
I won't explain that here. You need to learn that there is
a real difference between RMS and mean. If you knew
the difference, you would have a much better chance of
understanding the independence concept.

I just defined it for you above. I never said the Irms = Idc but that
Irms = constant * Idc.
Yes, your 'constant' is my 'K where K is a constant'..

Higher capacitance though means you're dissipating more power in the
there so your efficiency goes down.

Yes, but how could that happen when Idc is constant
and Irms is "directly proportional to" Irms, holding Irms

You are writing riddles here. Please try to
get those sorted out before adding new ones.

Who said I was holding I rms constant?
You did, if you followed your own logic.

Given these conditions, and I quote:
If you hold everything else constant, (including the
DC current taken from the cap by the regulator/load),
then you claim the following:
I'm changing the Capacitance which is not going to hold
everything constant.
Idc *is* constant as established above.
If we take as true your assertion (and I quote):
Idc is directly proportional to Irms
where Idc refers to that constant charge per cycle, then
Irms cannot change without violating your assertion of

I've posted a link in this thread to an analysis I've done.
(under subject "Re: 9V 1A schematic needed [link]")
Below is an extract from it that may get this cleared up.
You can lift and use the definite integral expressions
by plugging in your equivalent variable names.

<begin extract>
The model behind this analysis employs an ideal
transformer having an output resistance Ro and
open circuit peak output voltage Vp, rectifier
diodes that turn on at a fixed forward bias and
have no resistance [1], and an infinite output
filter capacitance [2]. An independent variable,
Vd, represents the difference between the filter
capacitor voltage limited by R and what it would
be if R was 0 Ohms. The transformer open circuit
output is assumed to be sinusoidal. The analysis
is for full wave rectification, but can be easily
adjusted for half wave.

[1. Diode resistance can be folded into the
transformer output resistance. The actual
P/N junction current/voltage characteristic
contributes negligible error because it only
affects the current flow when that current
is relatively close to zero anyway.]

[2. The infinite filter capacitor represents
the limiting (and worst) case for RMS/average
current ratio. The situation can improve for
lesser capacitors as the ripple becomes an
appreciable fraction of Vp.]

Get the rectifier turn-on level:
Vx := Vp - Vd
Substitute an angle, a, for the phase velocity:
a := 2 pi Fp t
(where Fp is line frequency and t is time)
The voltage charging the cap thru Ro:
v(a) = max(0, Vp cos(a) - Vx)
Derive (half of) the conduction angle
g = acos(Vx/Vp)
The squared charging voltage during conduction:
v(a)^2 = Vp^2 cos(a)^2 - 2 Vp Vx cos(a) + Vx^2
Mean charging voltage over a half cycle:
v_ = 1/pi Integral[from -g to +g] v(a) d(a)
= 1/pi (2 Vp sqrt(1 - (Vx/Vp)^2) - 2 Vx g)
Mean squared charging voltage over a half cycle:
vsq_ = 1/pi Integral[from -g to +g]
(Vp^2 cos(a)^2 - 2 Vp Vx cos(a) + Vx^2) d(a)
= 1/pi (Vp^2 g + Vp^2 sin(2 g) / 2
- 4 Vp Vx sqrt(1 - (Vx/Vp)^2) + 2 Vx^2 g)

Note that the integrals for finding means
are evaluated only within the conduction
angle and the interval over which the mean
is computed is a half cycle (pi radians).

These identities are were substituted:
sin(+acos(x)) = +sqrt(1-x^2)
cos(x)^2 = 1/2 + cos(2 x)/2

The mean and RMS output current will be:
I_ = v_ / Ro
irms = sqrt(vsq_) / Ro

<end extract>

--Larry Brasfield
email: donotspam_larry_brasfield@hotmail.com
Above views may belong only to me.
On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 09:49:43 -0800, Larry Brasfield wrote:

"lemonjuice" <exskimos@anonymous.to> wrote in message
On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 08:29:44 -0800, "Larry Brasfield"
donotspam_larry_brasfield@hotmail.com> wrote:
"lemonjuice" <exskimos@anonymous.to> wrote in message
Higher capacitance means less ripple which means higher average current

Huh? If you hold everything else constant, (including the
DC current taken from the cap by the regulator/load),
then Idc stays constant and so does the amount of
charge transferred per line cycle.

Mr Brasfield. I'm changing the Capacitance which is not going to hold
everything constant. I guess you know that I inst = V inst * jwC => I
change C => I change the instantaneous current I inst. Idc is the mean
of that .. so Idc HAS TO change. All very simple.

I have never seen the instantaneous value of a signal
multiplied by its frequency like that. It may be simple
to you, but your formula appears to be taken from a
private language of your own. It mystifies me.

Perhaps we can simplify this by showing that Idc HAS TO
NOT change when the load current stays constant. I will
start with assumed conditions and points of agreement.



Larry Brasfield wrote:
"lemonjuice" <exskimos@anonymous.to> wrote in message

On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 08:29:44 -0800, "Larry Brasfield"
donotspam_larry_brasfield@hotmail.com> wrote:

"lemonjuice" <exskimos@anonymous.to> wrote in message


Higher capacitance means less ripple which means higher average current

Huh? If you hold everything else constant, (including the
DC current taken from the cap by the regulator/load),
then Idc stays constant and so does the amount of
charge transferred per line cycle.

Mr Brasfield. I'm changing the Capacitance which is not going to hold
everything constant. I guess you know that I inst = V inst * jwC => I
change C => I change the instantaneous current I inst. Idc is the mean
of that .. so Idc HAS TO change. All very simple.

I have never seen the instantaneous value of a signal
multiplied by its frequency like that. It may be simple
to you, but your formula appears to be taken from a
private language of your own. It mystifies me.

Perhaps we can simplify this by showing that Idc HAS TO
NOT change when the load current stays constant. I will
start with assumed conditions and points of agreement.

The average value of current taken out of the cap is
constant, is called Iload, and line frequency is constant.
The average value of current into the cap is called 'Idc'.

We are assuming an equilibrium where the peak and
valley voltages on the cap do not change from cycle
to cycle. In other words, repetitive waveforms.

Then we can say that, on a per cycle basis, the same
amount of charge is removed from the cap (going to
the regulator/load and now named 'Qcapout') as is
added to the cap (and now named 'Qcapin'.)

If we call the time separating charging cycles 'Tcy', then
Qcapin / Tcy == Qcapout / Tcy

Qcapin / Tcy is the same value as Idc.

Qcapout / Tcy is the same value as Iload.

Idc == Iload

Since Iload is constant, so is Idc.

Notice that you can change the C value all you like
without changing a bit of the above analysis. Note
also that it pertains whether the charging current is
a sinusoid fragment or not.
What a total crock of shit- you are simply regurgitating what was told
you days ago- and something that you missed with your long-winded
pseudo-intellectual analysis in Perl- the rectifier Idc=Iload. But now
being the fake you are, you pretend to educate someone else about it.
And your so-called analysis above shows that you don't know your ass
from a hole in the ground. Real engineers know that the capacitor is a
"charge balance" circuit element- in steady state the time variation of
charge must balance to zero. Other people know this is as capacitors
block DC voltage. Because you don't understand these simple physical
facts, you have to resort to more of your artificial "analysis"- you are
a true p.o.s.

As Idc is directly proportional to Irms and hence is DEPENDENT
(and not independent as someone claims) on Irms... Irms also


Whatever makes you think Idc = K * Irms where K
is a constant? Anybody who analyzes this correctly
can see that, if Idc is held constant, Irms increases
as the conduction angle decreases. This is all very

Mr. Brasfield . You can actually see it using common sense but as you
seem so stubborn here goes.

My common sense about the circuit operation and
analysis I have done are what led me to differ with you.
If believing my own carefully done analysis until it is
shown to be wrong is 'stubborn', then count me in.
Your "analysis" is no analysis at all- you are a clueless little pedant
and pseudo-intellectual.

the definition of Idc is assuming f = 60Hz
Idc = 1/T* Integral( Ipeak*Sin 2*PI*60*t) dt
the definition of Irms is
Irms = sqrt (1/T Integral ( Ipeak^2 * Sin^ 2*PI*60*t) dt)
Carry out the integration and tell me if you don't get my result.

I have done that very integration. Part of the problem
here is that the limits of integration that you need to
use to get a number out of it are changing under the
stated assumption that C is changing. I do not see
that incorporated into your result or thinking, yet.
When you do that, you will find that Idc and Irms
are no longer proportional. Another issue is that
under the assumption that capacitance is changing
(and that it matters), the currents in question are
not sinusoid fragments as your expressions claim.
Makes about as much sense as that mess you posted to rec.audio.

As for "(and not independent as someone claims)", you
have (apparently) misunderstood and misconstrued my
remarks. Since they make sense in their original context,
I won't explain that here. You need to learn that there is
a real difference between RMS and mean. If you knew
the difference, you would have a much better chance of
understanding the independence concept.

I just defined it for you above. I never said the Irms = Idc but that
Irms = constant * Idc.

Yes, your 'constant' is my 'K where K is a constant'..

Higher capacitance though means you're dissipating more power in the
there so your efficiency goes down.

Yes, but how could that happen when Idc is constant
and Irms is "directly proportional to" Irms, holding Irms

You are writing riddles here. Please try to
get those sorted out before adding new ones.

Who said I was holding I rms constant?

You did, if you followed your own logic.

Given these conditions, and I quote:
If you hold everything else constant, (including the
DC current taken from the cap by the regulator/load),
then you claim the following:
I'm changing the Capacitance which is not going to hold
everything constant.
Idc *is* constant as established above.
If we take as true your assertion (and I quote):
Idc is directly proportional to Irms
where Idc refers to that constant charge per cycle, then
Irms cannot change without violating your assertion of

I've posted a link in this thread to an analysis I've done.
(under subject "Re: 9V 1A schematic needed [link]")
Below is an extract from it that may get this cleared up.
You can lift and use the definite integral expressions
by plugging in your equivalent variable names.
This is just a bunch of elementary crap you pasted from other sites and
a handbook with very little comprehension. Your garbage analysis is not
even close enough to be called a first-order approximation.

[snip extract]
On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 22:14:04 -0500, Active8 <reply2group@ndbbm.net>

On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 19:37:27 +0000 (UTC), Ken Smith wrote:

In article <1tqlrx73frjuz.dlg@ID-222894.news.individual.net>,
Active8 <reply2group@ndbbm.net> wrote:
I'm curious. Who are the morons that write the sofware that does

I've left out of town jobs and just withdrew whatever money was left
in the bank or wrote a check to my permanent account. I may leave a
few pennies. The bank decides to charge a service fee each month for
being below the minimun balance. The account goes negative and the
program charges a fee for non-sufficient funds. Then I can't open an
account elsewhere until I wake them up.

I quote "Errors in our favour are not errors"

Have you ever had a bank give you extra money?

Yes. $30. They sent the next guy that came through the drive-thru
(they knew we were on the same job) to the hotel to get me to bring
it back :( The american bank we had in Germany used to nickle and
dime us to death and could make their adding machines show they were
I had a bank in San Jose credit my account for over $400 that wasn't
mine, in 1968.

Told them about it, they said they'd correct their error.

This went on for months with no correction.

When I went back to Motorola I closed the account and walked with the
money ;-)

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 18:25:06 +0100, Frank Bemelman wrote:

"John Woodgate" <jmw@jmwa.demon.contraspam.yuk> schreef in bericht
I read in sci.electronics.design that Frank Bemelman
f.bemelmanq@xs4all.invalid.nl> wrote (in
423ef180$0$140$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>) about '9V 1A schematic
needed', on Mon, 21 Mar 2005:

So you and Jim Thompson are both confessed thieves. Jim in particular,
because $400 in 1968 is not what I would call pocket change.

Well, not thieves under English law, since, as it happens, 1968. In both
cases, the owner took no effective steps to re-possess. I'm quite sure
that if they had, the pay-back would have occurred.

Yes, that is my definition of an effective step too. Anyway, I found
it remarkable to read this 'aneckdote' from a person that insinuated
the other day that someone purchased a few opamps "at his EMPLOYERS
I recall that post also, but not from anyone in this subthread. To
which person and anecdote are you referring?
Best Regards,

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