What is .pla file?



Hi everyone!
I am a freshman in verilog.
Recently i've downloaded a example project called alarm_clock, it has
several verilog source files and one .pla file. I can compile all the
files but when i try to start the simulation with modelsim, it
complained. The error was: Error: (vsim-3033) F:/hdl_src/mit/tutorial/
verilog/CONVERTOR_CKT.v(18): Instantiation of 'CONVERTOR' failed. The
design unit was not found.

Below are the source code mentioned:

..design CONVERTOR
..inputnames T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
..outputnames A0 B0 C0 D0 E0 F0 G0 A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1

000001 11111100110000
000010 11111101101101
000011 11111101111001
000100 11111100110011
000101 11111101011011
000110 11111100011111
000111 11111101110000
001000 11111101111111
001001 11111101111011
001010 01100001111110
001011 01100000110000
001100 01100001101101
001101 01100001111001
001110 01100000110011
001111 01100001011011
010000 01100000011111
010001 01100001110000
010010 01100001111111
010011 01100001111011
010100 11011011111110
010101 11011010110000
010110 11011011101101
010111 11011011111001
011000 11011010110011
011001 11011011011011
011010 11011010011111
011011 11011011110000
011100 11011011111111
011101 11011011111011
011110 11110011111110
011111 11110010110000
100000 11110011101101
100001 11110011111001
100010 11110010110011
100011 11110011011011
100100 11110010011111
100101 11110011110000
100110 11110011111111
100111 11110011111011
101000 01100111111110
101001 01100110110000
101010 01100111101101
101011 01100111111001
101100 01100110110011
101101 01100111011011
101110 01100110011111
101111 01100111110000
110000 01100111111111
110001 01100111111011
110010 10110111111110
110011 10110110110000
110100 10110111101101
110101 10110111111001
110110 10110110110011
110111 10110111011011
111000 10110110011111
111001 10110111110000
111010 10110111111111
111011 10110111111011
111100 --------------
111101 --------------
111110 --------------
111111 --------------


module CONVERTOR_CKT ( connect13,disp1,disp2);

input [9:0]connect13;
output [13:0]disp1, disp2;
wire[6:0] connect14 ;
(.T0(1'b0), .T1(1'b0), .T2(connect13[9] ), .T3(connect13[8] ),
.T4(connect13[7] ), .T5(connect13[6] ), .A0(connect14[6] ), .B0(
connect14[5] ), .C0(connect14[4] ), .D0(connect14[3] ), .E0(
connect14[2] ), .F0(connect14[1] ), .G0(connect14[0] ), .A1(

disp1[6] ), .B1(disp1[5] ), .C1(disp1[4] ), .D1(disp1[3] ), .E1(
disp1[2] ), .F1(disp1[1] ), .G1(disp1[0] ) );
CONVERTOR U8 ( .T0(connect13[5] ), .T1(connect13[4] ), .T2(
connect13[3] ), .T3(connect13[2] ), .T4(connect13[1] ), .T5(

connect13[0] ), .A0(disp2[13] ), .B0(disp2[12] ), .C0(disp2[11] ),
.D0(disp2[10] ), .E0(disp2[9] ), .F0(disp2[8] ), .G0(disp2[7] ),
.A1(disp2[6] ), .B1(disp2[5] ), .C1(disp2[4] ), .D1(disp2[3] ),
.E1(disp2[2] ), .F1(disp2[1] ), .G1(disp2[0] ) );
irun2 <yeahgreat@gmail.com> wrote:

I am a freshman in verilog.
Recently i've downloaded a example project called alarm_clock, it has
several verilog source files and one .pla file. I can compile all the
files but when i try to start the simulation with modelsim, it
complained. The error was: Error: (vsim-3033) F:/hdl_src/mit/tutorial/
verilog/CONVERTOR_CKT.v(18): Instantiation of 'CONVERTOR' failed. The
design unit was not found.

Below are the source code mentioned:

.inputnames T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
.outputnames A0 B0 C0 D0 E0 F0 G0 A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1

000001 11111100110000

PLA, Programable Logic Array, if I remember it right.

That is the long and complicated name for ROM, and not
the same as Programmable Array Logic, PAL.

The file gives the output for a specified input.

-- glen
On Jul 26, 11:48 am, glen herrmannsfeldt <g...@ugcs.caltech.edu>
irun2 <yeahgr...@gmail.com> wrote:
I am a freshman in verilog.
Recently i've downloaded a example project called alarm_clock, it has
several verilog source files and one .pla file. I can compile all the
files but when i try to start the simulation with modelsim, it
complained. The error was: Error: (vsim-3033) F:/hdl_src/mit/tutorial/
verilog/CONVERTOR_CKT.v(18): Instantiation of 'CONVERTOR' failed. The
design unit was not found.
Below are the source code mentioned:
.inputnames T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
.outputnames A0 B0 C0 D0 E0 F0 G0 A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1
000001 11111100110000


PLA, Programable Logic Array, if I remember it right.

That is the long and complicated name for ROM, and not
the same as Programmable Array Logic, PAL.

The file gives the output for a specified input.

-- glen
Hi glen,
Thanks for your reply, can you tell me what should I do if I want to
simulate this project?
irun2 <yeahgreat@gmail.com> wrote:

.inputnames T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
.outputnames A0 B0 C0 D0 E0 F0 G0 A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1
000001 11111100110000


PLA, Programable Logic Array, if I remember it right.

That is the long and complicated name for ROM, and not
the same as Programmable Array Logic, PAL.

The file gives the output for a specified input.

Thanks for your reply, can you tell me what should I do if
I want to simulate this project?
Write a verilog module to do the same thing. You can also
use it for synthesis. The choices that I know of are a big
(well, not so big) switch/case block or read in the data
with $READMEMH into a register array. Switch/case works well
for data that isn't likely to change, reading from a file for
data that tends to change. It shouldn't be hard to convert
your file to switch/case form with a good editor or a simple
program in your favorite languge. It is likely one line in AWK.

-- glen
On Jul 27, 11:07 am, glen herrmannsfeldt <g...@ugcs.caltech.edu>
irun2 <yeahgr...@gmail.com> wrote:


.inputnames T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
.outputnames A0 B0 C0 D0 E0 F0 G0 A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1
000001 11111100110000
PLA, Programable Logic Array, if I remember it right.
That is the long and complicated name for ROM, and not
the same as Programmable Array Logic, PAL.
The file gives the output for a specified input.
Thanks for your reply, can you tell me what should I do if
I want to simulate this project?

Write a verilog module to do the same thing.  You can also
use it for synthesis.  The choices that I know of are a big
(well, not so big) switch/case block or read in the data
with $READMEMH into a register array.  Switch/case works well
for data that isn't likely to change, reading from a file for
data that tends to change.  It shouldn't be hard to convert
your file to switch/case form with a good editor or a simple
program in your favorite languge.  It is likely one line in AWK.

-- glen
Sounds good but then i need to spend time to learn AWK...
thanks anyway!

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