Using "others" in if statement



What would be a good way to say "when not all bits are 0's" ?
I tried :
if ok_count /= ( others => '0') then

if not ( ok_count = ( others => '0') then

but I get error message saying :
aggregate with others must be in a constrained context.

I think it's context is constrained enough -- ok_count is
std_logic_vector(11 downto 0)

I'm using Synplify. Does other tools complains in the same way?

Jihwan Song
Kot wrote:
What would be a good way to say "when not all bits are 0's" ?
I tried :
if ok_count /= ( others => '0') then

if not ( ok_count = ( others => '0') then

but I get error message saying :
aggregate with others must be in a constrained context.

I think it's context is constrained enough -- ok_count is
std_logic_vector(11 downto 0)

This would work for an assignment :

ok_count <= ( others => '0');

But for a comparison, the compiler doesn't
know for sure which vector full of zeros you mean.

All you have to do is clarify which vector you mean:

if ok_count /= ( ok_count'range => '0') then . . .

Note that the compiler might have more than one vector to
consider in more complex comparisons:

if ok_count /= ( vec1'range => '0') & (vec2'range => '1') then . . .

-- Mike Treseler

Kot wrote:
What would be a good way to say "when not all bits are 0's" ?
I tried :
if ok_count /= ( others => '0') then

if not ( ok_count = ( others => '0') then

but I get error message saying :
aggregate with others must be in a constrained context.

I think it's context is constrained enough -- ok_count is
std_logic_vector(11 downto 0)
You may take a look at Section 4.2.5 (Operations With
Array Aggregates) of the FAQ:

"Kot" <> wrote in message

What would be a good way to say "when not all bits are 0's" ?
You had good replies already, but can I suggest two possibilities
which may be clearer...

(1) Use the numeric package:

use ieee.numeric_std.all; -- or std_logic_arith
if unsigned(ok_count) /= 0 then ...

(2) Write a function, for clarity:

function all_zero(v: std_logic_vector) return boolean is
return (v = (v'range => '0'));
-- or, if you prefer...
-- for i in v'range loop
-- if v(i) /= '0' then
-- return false;
-- end if;
-- end loop;
-- return true;
if not all_zero(ok_count) then ...


Jonathan Bromley, Consultant

DOULOS - Developing Design Know-how
VHDL * Verilog * SystemC * Perl * Tcl/Tk * Verification * Project Services

Doulos Ltd. Church Hatch, 22 Market Place, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 1AW, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1425 471223 mail:
Fax: +44 (0)1425 471573 Web:

The contents of this message may contain personal views which
are not the views of Doulos Ltd., unless specifically stated.
Jonathan Bromley wrote:
"Kot" <> wrote in message

What would be a good way to say "when not all bits are 0's" ?

You had good replies already, but can I suggest two possibilities
which may be clearer...

(1) Use the numeric package:

use ieee.numeric_std.all; -- or std_logic_arith
if unsigned(ok_count) /= 0 then ...

(2) Write a function, for clarity:

function all_zero(v: std_logic_vector) return boolean is
return (v = (v'range => '0'));
-- or, if you prefer...
-- for i in v'range loop
-- if v(i) /= '0' then
-- return false;
-- end if;
-- end loop;
-- return true;
if not all_zero(ok_count) then ...
(3) Write a function for synthesis using a logarithmic algorithm; it
could lead to faster hardware implementations:

function ALL_ZERO(V: Std_Ulogic_Vector) return Std_Ulogic is
variable T: Std_Ulogic_Vector(V'length - 1 downto 0) := V;
case T'length is
when 0 => return '0';
when 1 => return T(0);
when 2 => return T(0) or T(1);
when others => return ALL_ZERO(T(T'length - 1 downto T'length / 2))
or ALL_ZERO(T(T'length / 2 - 1 downto 0));
end case;

Renaud Pacalet, ENST, 46 rue Barrault 75634 Paris Cedex 13
###### Tel. : 01 45 81 78 08 | Fax : 01 45 80 40 36 ######
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"Renaud Pacalet" <MonPrenom.MonNom@PasDeSpam.MonOrganisation.France>
wrote in message news:bivgpr$ul3$

(3) Write a function for synthesis using a logarithmic algorithm; it
could lead to faster hardware implementations:

function ALL_ZERO(V: Std_Ulogic_Vector) return Std_Ulogic is
variable T: Std_Ulogic_Vector(V'length - 1 downto 0) := V;
case T'length is
when 0 => return '0';
when 1 => return T(0);
when 2 => return T(0) or T(1);
when others => return ALL_ZERO(T(T'length - 1 downto T'length / 2))
or ALL_ZERO(T(T'length / 2 - 1 downto 0));
end case;
Elegant and beautiful in the hands of one as skilled as you, Renaud,
but (as I'm sure you'll agree) it's not trivially easy to get the
details right.

In my experience, serious synthesis tools do quite a good job of
mapping cascaded logic on to a tree structure when appropriate.
Developing the tree by hand or by algorithm is often unnecessary.

Jonathan Bromley, Consultant

DOULOS - Developing Design Know-how
VHDL * Verilog * SystemC * Perl * Tcl/Tk * Verification * Project Services

Doulos Ltd. Church Hatch, 22 Market Place, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 1AW, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1425 471223 mail:
Fax: +44 (0)1425 471573 Web:

The contents of this message may contain personal views which
are not the views of Doulos Ltd., unless specifically stated.
Jonathan Bromley wrote:
Elegant and beautiful in the hands of one as skilled as you, Renaud,
Thank for the good words, you made my day ;-)

but (as I'm sure you'll agree) it's not trivially easy to get the
details right.

In my experience, serious synthesis tools do quite a good job of
mapping cascaded logic on to a tree structure when appropriate.
Developing the tree by hand or by algorithm is often unnecessary.
You're probably right. It could be interesting to compare ac, dc,
leonardo, and others on this.

Best regards,
Renaud Pacalet, ENST, 46 rue Barrault 75634 Paris Cedex 13
###### Tel. : 01 45 81 78 08 | Fax : 01 45 80 40 36 ######
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Renaud Pacalet wrote:
Jonathan Bromley wrote:

Elegant and beautiful in the hands of one as skilled as you, Renaud,

Thank for the good words, you made my day ;-)

but (as I'm sure you'll agree) it's not trivially easy to get the
details right.

In my experience, serious synthesis tools do quite a good job of
mapping cascaded logic on to a tree structure when appropriate.
Developing the tree by hand or by algorithm is often unnecessary.

You're probably right. It could be interesting to compare ac, dc,
leonardo, and others on this.
Actually Mr. Pacalet's function works fine using Leo.
I had a look at the netlist schematic,
and I don't see how it could be done any cleaner.

-- Mike Treseler

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity ck_zero is

generic (len : natural := 64);

port (a : in std_ulogic_vector(len-1 downto 0);
clk : in std_ulogic;
rst : in std_ulogic;
zero : out std_ulogic);

end entity ck_zero;

architecture synth of ck_zero is

function ALL_ZERO(V : std_ulogic_vector) return std_ulogic is
-- by Renaud Pacalet
variable T : std_ulogic_vector(V'length - 1 downto 0) := V;
case T'length is
when 0 => return '0';
when 1 => return T(0);
when 2 => return T(0) or T(1);
when others => return
ALL_ZERO(T(T'length - 1 downto T'length / 2))
or ALL_ZERO(T(T'length / 2 - 1 downto 0));
end case;

process (rst, clk) is
begin -- process
clked : if rst = '1' then
zero <= '1';
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
zero <= ALL_ZERO(a);
end if clked;
end process;

end architecture synth;

Device Utilization for 2V40cs144
Resource Used Avail Utilization
IOs 67 88 76.14%
Function Generators 21 512 4.10%
CLB Slices 11 256 4.30%
Dffs or Latches 1 776 0.13%
Block RAMs 0 4 0.00%
Block Multipliers 0 4 0.00%

Using wire table: xcv2-40-6_wc

Clock Frequency Report

Clock : Frequency

clk : 329.7 MHz
Jonathan Bromley wrote:
"Renaud Pacalet" <MonPrenom.MonNom@PasDeSpam.MonOrganisation.France
wrote in message news:bivgpr$ul3$

(3) Write a function for synthesis using a logarithmic algorithm; it
could lead to faster hardware implementations:

function ALL_ZERO(V: Std_Ulogic_Vector) return Std_Ulogic is
variable T: Std_Ulogic_Vector(V'length - 1 downto 0) := V;
case T'length is
when 0 => return '0';
when 1 => return T(0);
when 2 => return T(0) or T(1);
when others => return ALL_ZERO(T(T'length - 1 downto T'length / 2))
or ALL_ZERO(T(T'length / 2 - 1 downto 0));
end case;

Elegant and beautiful in the hands of one as skilled as you, Renaud,
but (as I'm sure you'll agree) it's not trivially easy to get the
details right.
I wrote lots of them. Mostly they follow about this template , so once
you get the idea it is quite easy.
(BTW : I guess the 2 case is not strictly necessary , but it doesn't
hurt especially for readibility.)

In my experience, serious synthesis tools do quite a good job of
mapping cascaded logic on to a tree structure when appropriate.
Developing the tree by hand or by algorithm is often unnecessary.
Completely different (although maybe slightly outdated) experience.
Synthesis tools tend to do OK on an isolated example. They tend
to fail when this is buried into lots of other logic.



Jonathan Bromley, Consultant

DOULOS - Developing Design Know-how
VHDL * Verilog * SystemC * Perl * Tcl/Tk * Verification * Project Services

Doulos Ltd. Church Hatch, 22 Market Place, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 1AW, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1425 471223 mail:
Fax: +44 (0)1425 471573 Web:

The contents of this message may contain personal views which
are not the views of Doulos Ltd., unless specifically stated.
Jos De Laender wrote:
I wrote lots of them. Mostly they follow about this template , so once
you get the idea it is quite easy.
(BTW : I guess the 2 case is not strictly necessary , but it doesn't
hurt especially for readibility.)
It just speeds up the simulation. On a 2**N bits vector, without the 2
case you get 2**(N+1) - 1 calls to the function. With the 2 case you get
2**N - 1 calls, that is, a speed up of about 50%. It may be worth the
extra line of code. But to be honest, if you really care about
simulation speed you will simulate with Jonathan's version or something
similar and - in case your synthesizer is not smart enough - you will
synthesize with something like mine. So you're right, the 2 case is useless.

Renaud Pacalet, ENST, 46 rue Barrault 75634 Paris Cedex 13
###### Tel. : 01 45 81 78 08 | Fax : 01 45 80 40 36 ######
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Renaud Pacalet wrote:
Jos De Laender wrote:

I wrote lots of them. Mostly they follow about this template , so once
you get the idea it is quite easy.
(BTW : I guess the 2 case is not strictly necessary , but it doesn't
hurt especially for readibility.)

It just speeds up the simulation. On a 2**N bits vector, without the 2
case you get 2**(N+1) - 1 calls to the function. With the 2 case you get
2**N - 1 calls, that is, a speed up of about 50%. It may be worth the
extra line of code. But to be honest, if you really care about
simulation speed you will simulate with Jonathan's version or something
similar and - in case your synthesizer is not smart enough - you will
synthesize with something like mine. So you're right, the 2 case is useless.
Very interesting observation! I didn't look at it that way, but it is
clear that you're absolutely right.

But looking at it that way , I have in fact another question/remark.

Isn't it much more realistic to expect from the _simulator_ that it
works away the tail recursion into iteration than to expect from the
_synthesizer_ that it reconstructs a tree from a chain ?
After all , and as far as my limited compiler knowledge goes , working
away tail recursion into iteration is a pretty well established
technique ?

Best regards ,


Renaud Pacalet, ENST, 46 rue Barrault 75634 Paris Cedex 13
###### Tel. : 01 45 81 78 08 | Fax : 01 45 80 40 36 ######
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Jos De Laender wrote:
Renaud Pacalet wrote:

Jos De Laender wrote:

I wrote lots of them. Mostly they follow about this template , so once
you get the idea it is quite easy.
(BTW : I guess the 2 case is not strictly necessary , but it doesn't
hurt especially for readibility.)

It just speeds up the simulation. On a 2**N bits vector, without the 2
case you get 2**(N+1) - 1 calls to the function. With the 2 case you get
2**N - 1 calls, that is, a speed up of about 50%. It may be worth the
extra line of code. But to be honest, if you really care about
simulation speed you will simulate with Jonathan's version or something
similar and - in case your synthesizer is not smart enough - you will
synthesize with something like mine. So you're right, the 2 case is useless.

Very interesting observation! I didn't look at it that way, but it is
clear that you're absolutely right.

But looking at it that way , I have in fact another question/remark.

Isn't it much more realistic to expect from the _simulator_ that it
works away the tail recursion into iteration than to expect from the
_synthesizer_ that it reconstructs a tree from a chain ?
Well, I'm not a compiler expert but I would not expect anything so smart
from my VHDL simulators. And my benchmarks with the most famous
simulators will not change my mind. Same for the synthesizers: I usually
don't trust them at all.

Renaud Pacalet, ENST, 46 rue Barrault 75634 Paris Cedex 13
###### Tel. : 01 45 81 78 08 | Fax : 01 45 80 40 36 ######
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