OT: If US Democrats and neocons hate Russia, why not produce more gas?...

John Doe <always.look@message.header> wrote in

If it were an attempt to overthrow our government, it wasn\'t, they
would have gone to the executive branch and brought a few weapons
with them...

You are an idiot. \"The executive branch\" was the one performing
the coup attempt, you fucking idiot.

> We need John Belushi back to make SNL funny again.

You are a goddamned retard. You obviously do not watch SNL or you
would know that it is still quite funny. Your stupidity is funny

He would be the
guy with the horns cannibal leftists love to talk about.

John Dope is an abject idiot. He proves it with everything he

and sitting down at Nancy Pelosi\'s desk with his boots on the
table, he calls general Milley and starts giving him orders...
That would be funny because it\'s ridiculous.

So is your take on the incident.

> January 6 was no threat to our government.

You are an absolute idiot and you respouting Tucker\'s stupid shit
does not change that.

Anybody who believes it
was is nuts.

So, just sit is the bathtub and splash, little boy. You are an

It might have felt threatening to some members of
Congress that day,

Can you really be that fucking stupid?

but it was not a threat to our country in any
way, shape, or form.

So, taking a baseball bat to your skull would not be a threat to
your ability to continue to breathe, right?

One REAL threat to our government and our country is the fact
Washington DC is 91+% gung ho for only one party. The Deep State
was described over 200 years ago in a London Times article on Nov
11, 1815...

You are an idiot. Were that true, the nation would have been ONLY
democrats since then. Since that is not what we have, your \"deep
state\" claim is more than a little lame.

> \"it is in this bureaucracy, Gentlemen,

Wow. The retard who calls folks \"cannibal leftists\" now wants to
show us his \"gentleman\" side. You are a fucking lunatic retard, John

that you will find the
invisible and mischievous power which thwarts the most noble
views, and prevents or weakens the effect of all the salutary
reforms which France is incessantly calling for\" (quoted on
Merriam-Webster\'s site).

John Dope... dumber than dogshit and he is proud of his stupidity

That passage appears in an item headed \"Courts of Justice in
France\", on page 2 of the Times for Saturday November 11, 1815. It
is a report of a speech by Jean Guillaume Hyde de Neuville.

Whoopie fuckin\' doo, you retarded fuck!
If the rowdy faction of the January 6 protest were an attempt to overthrow
our government, it wasn\'t, they would have gone to the executive branch
and brought a few weapons with them...

We need John Belushi back to make SNL funny again. He would be the guy
with the horns cannibal leftists love to talk about. Entering and sitting
down at Nancy Pelosi\'s desk with his boots on the table, he calls general
Milley and starts giving him orders... That would be funny because it\'s

January 6 was no threat to our government. Anybody who believes it was is
nuts. It might have felt threatening to some members of Congress that day,
but it was not a threat to our country in any way, shape, or form.

One REAL threat to our government and our country is the fact Washington
DC is 91+% gung ho for only one party. The Deep State was described over
200 years ago in a London Times article on Nov 11, 1815...

\"it is in this bureaucracy, Gentlemen, that you will find the invisible
and mischievous power which thwarts the most noble views, and prevents or
weakens the effect of all the salutary reforms which France is incessantly
calling for\" (quoted on Merriam-Webster\'s site).

That passage appears in an item headed \"Courts of Justice in France\", on
page 2 of the Times for Saturday November 11, 1815. It is a report of a
speech by Jean Guillaume Hyde de Neuville.
I don\'t believe the 91%+ Democrat Washington DC swamp coroner said about
the protesters, but...


WOW... Apparently FOUR Washington DC officers killed themselves after the
protest. Two of them within days, the other two in July.

Probably some partly in response to the killing of unarmed VETERAN Ashley

The only other DC officer that died, died of a stroke after the incident.

If Democrats wanted to seem legitimate, they should have at least let
Republicans choose their side for the committee hearing.

Democrats choosing the Republican side, including utterly RINO Liz Cheney
as the Republican co-chair, is stark naked partisanship politics.


Nothing to do with anything Always Wrong said.
jlarkin@highlandsniptechnology.com wrote:

He didn\'t tell anyone to enter a nominally closed government building.
A few yahoos entered an under-guarded building to take some selfies.
That\'s not insurrection and certainly not treason.

Assuming the report that four of the officers involved committed suicide...
Feeling they did a bad job, like being part of lax security promoted by Nancy
Pelosi, might be part of the reason. That, besides having some involvement
with the shooting death of unarmed veteran Ashley Babbitt.
On Sunday, June 19, 2022 at 10:25:48 AM UTC-7, John Doe wrote:
If it were an attempt to overthrow our government, it wasn\'t, they would
have gone to the executive branch and brought a few weapons with them...

Our administrative branch isn\'t more important than the others, just
quicker and arguably more photogenic.

The \'a few weapons\' that nineteen terrorists used on 9/11 were sufficient.
The mob didn\'t exactly submit to weapons search at the door (or windows)
they entered by.

January 6 was no threat to our government. Anybody who believes it was is

Arrogant, and dismissive, but one branch of our government, the one
that represents the citizenry, already voted you down on that.

The Deep State was described over
200 years ago in a London Times article on Nov 11, 1815...

\"it is in this bureaucracy, Gentlemen, that you will find the invisible
and mischievous power which thwarts the most noble views, and...

Yeah, after the French revolution the views of the nobles (noble views,
you see) weren\'t entirely in a position of power. Not seeing the storming
of the Congress as being very popular, it\'s not the storming of the Bastille.
If it were an attempt to overthrow our government, it wasn\'t, they would
have gone to the executive branch and brought a few weapons with them...

Anybody who thinks it was an attempt to overthrow our government is nuts.

We need John Belushi back to make SNL funny again. He would be the guy
with the horns cannibal leftists love to talk about. Entering and sitting
down at Nancy Pelosi\'s desk with his boots on the table, he calls general
Milley and starts giving him orders... That would be funny because it\'s

January 6 was no threat to our government. Anybody who believes it was is
nuts. It might have felt threatening to some members of Congress that day,
but it was not a threat to our country in any way, shape, or form.

One REAL threat to our government and our country is the fact Washington
DC is 91+% gung ho for only one party. The Deep State was described over
200 years ago in a London Times article on Nov 11, 1815...

\"it is in this bureaucracy, Gentlemen, that you will find the invisible
and mischievous power which thwarts the most noble views, and prevents or
weakens the effect of all the salutary reforms which France is incessantly
calling for\" (quoted on Merriam-Webster\'s site).

That passage appears in an item headed \"Courts of Justice in France\", on
page 2 of the Times for Saturday November 11, 1815, a report of a
speech by Jean Guillaume Hyde de Neuville.
On Wednesday, June 22, 2022 at 12:27:35 AM UTC+2, John Doe wrote:
> No point in discussing anything with Bill Sloman.

<snipped the rest of the recycled drivel>

John Doe can\'t do discussion, so his opinion on whether it would be a useful exercise for anybody else can\'t be seen as all that helpful.

In theory might be interesting to speculate how well he comprehends his own incompetence, but he certainly acts as he thinks his demented delusions are worth posting. If he went around painting offensive nonsense on walls, he would eventually end up in jail, but doing much the same here doesn\'t expose you to effective sanctions.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
In message-id <t6nt3e$7bp$3@dont-email.me>
(http://al.howardknight.net/?ID=165357273000) posted Thu, 26 May 2022
12:50:54 -0000 (UTC) John Dope stated:

Always Wrong, the utterly foulmouthed group idiot, adding absolutely
NOTHING but insults to this thread, as usual...

Yet, since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) John Dope\'s post ratio
to USENET (**) has been 63.8% of its posts contributing \"nothing except
insults\" to USENET.

** Since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) John Dope has posted at
least 2141 articles to USENET. Of which 175 have been pure insults and
1191 have been John Dope \"troll format\" postings.

The John Dope troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Dope troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Dope troll has continued to post incorrectly
formatted USENET articles that are devoid of content (latest example on
Wed, 22 Jun 2022 20:12:15 -0000 (UTC) in message-id

NOBODY likes the John Doe troll\'s contentless spam.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that John Dope does not even follow
the rules it uses to troll other posters.

jlarkin@highlandsniptechnology.com wrote:
On Fri, 17 Jun 2022 11:48:17 -0400, bitrex <user@example.net> wrote:

And questioning the honesty of elections is a worthy and patriotic
thing to do. We know that there is cheating.

Elections have the basic budgetary heft of a softball league. \"Honesty\"
presumes enough resources to do something.

LBJ rode a spare ballot box or two all the way to POTUS. It\'s an
American tradition.

It\'s a whole lot more important that the elections latch into state than
anything else about them. When people stop believing in ballots, there
are bullets.

This is an excellent dragon to let sleep. Unless you wanna fix it, leave
it alone. When that sort of dragon wakes, it moves fast and there\'s a
lot of destruction.

People, ordinary people would rather cut their head off with a chainsaw
than learn measurement. We should respect their preference.

Hell, I\'m barely able to engage engineers in the concepts and
application of measurement these days. I get actual resistance.

Les Cargill
That\'s what the freedom of information act (FOIA) is supposed to help
with. The Deep State fights disclosure tooth and nail.

One serious, easily identifiable problem we have is the fact Washington DC
is 91+ percent for only one party. That makes federal justice impossible.

We had the best system in the world, there is still a chance for
redemption, but we are sinking fast.

Les Cargill <lcargil99@gmail.com> wrote:

jlarkin@highlandsniptechnology.com wrote:
On Fri, 17 Jun 2022 11:48:17 -0400, bitrex <user@example.net> wrote:

And questioning the honesty of elections is a worthy and patriotic
thing to do. We know that there is cheating.

Elections have the basic budgetary heft of a softball league. \"Honesty\"
presumes enough resources to do something.

LBJ rode a spare ballot box or two all the way to POTUS. It\'s an
American tradition.

It\'s a whole lot more important that the elections latch into state than
anything else about them. When people stop believing in ballots, there
are bullets.

This is an excellent dragon to let sleep. Unless you wanna fix it, leave
it alone. When that sort of dragon wakes, it moves fast and there\'s a
lot of destruction.

People, ordinary people would rather cut their head off with a chainsaw
than learn measurement. We should respect their preference.

Hell, I\'m barely able to engage engineers in the concepts and
application of measurement these days. I get actual resistance.
On Friday, June 24, 2022 at 8:33:39 PM UTC-7, John Doe wrote:
That\'s what the freedom of information act (FOIA) is supposed to help
with. The Deep State fights disclosure tooth and nail.

One serious, easily identifiable problem we have is the fact Washington DC
is 91+ percent for only one party. That makes federal justice impossible.

Huh? Unless you mean jury trial in the DC area, combined with a partisan
prejudice on a justice issue, there\'s NO effect. Our jury selection
procedures, and jury instructions, are intended to exclude prejudice.
Those procedures and instructions generally have been found to work.

So, if this is about a jury trial in DC, which trial?
If a party has a prejudice on a justice issue, which party, and which issue?

Sounds like a bunch of bafflegab to me. The farrago of disparate
descriptions that you claim are \"Deep State\" attributes are just a lame
excuse for intolerance of the rule of law. Law isn\'t always popular in
its details, but anarchy or theocracy or royalty aren\'t better.
On Saturday, June 25, 2022 at 5:33:39 AM UTC+2, John Doe wrote:
Les Cargill <lcar...@gmail.com> wrote:
jla...@highlandsniptechnology.com wrote:
On Fri, 17 Jun 2022 11:48:17 -0400, bitrex <us...@example.net> wrote:

And questioning the honesty of elections is a worthy and patriotic
thing to do. We know that there is cheating.

Elections have the basic budgetary heft of a softball league. \"Honesty\"
presumes enough resources to do something.

LBJ rode a spare ballot box or two all the way to POTUS. It\'s an
American tradition.

It\'s a whole lot more important that the elections latch into state than
anything else about them. When people stop believing in ballots, there
are bullets.

This is an excellent dragon to let sleep. Unless you wanna fix it, leave
it alone. When that sort of dragon wakes, it moves fast and there\'s a
lot of destruction.

People, ordinary people would rather cut their head off with a chainsaw
than learn measurement. We should respect their preference.

Hell, I\'m barely able to engage engineers in the concepts and
application of measurement these days. I get actual resistance.

That\'s what the freedom of information act (FOIA) is supposed to help
with. The Deep State fights disclosure tooth and nail.

Not that John Doe can be bothered to cite a single example. As far as I know there aren\'t any.

One serious, easily identifiable problem we have is the fact Washington DC
is 91+ percent for only one party. That makes federal justice impossible.


> We had the best system in the world, there is still a chance for redemption, but we are sinking fast.

The US never had anything that looked remotely like the best system in the world. It was the richest country for a while, but it has thrown that away as rich Americans concentrate ever harder on directly every last bit of economic growth into their own pockets, and cheapsKated on the education system that used to produce the skilled workers that fed that economic growth, not to mention the infra-structure that distributed the raw materials and the finished products.

Redemption may not be impossible, but it does seem to be looking a lot less likely. John Doe is a symptom of the decline.

Bill Sloman, Sydney

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