Need small alphanumeric keypad for data entry


James Johnson

I'm working on an embedded project and need a "keyboard" for data entry.
ABOUT 2" x 2.5" that will allow input of 26 letters and digits at least.
It could be operated by a stylus.

Does anyone know where I can find such a thing?

If this is a one-off, buy a cheap remote control or calculator with a
keyboard grid that looks OK and rip it out. You'll have to adapt to
the scan pattern laid out on the pad already (although you could go in
and cut it up if you really wanted to.)

If this is going to be fabricated in even small quantities, buy 36 tact
switches and lay them out on a PC board according to how you want to
scan them. 6x3.5mm and 6x6mm and 12x12mm are common form factors.
With all but the 12x12mm, you'll have room to spare to put 36 in your
space. And you get to put them in whatever scan order you want.

From: "Tim Shoppa"

If this is a one-off, buy a cheap remote control or calculator with a
keyboard grid that looks OK and rip it out. You'll have to adapt to
the scan pattern laid out on the pad already (although you could go in
and cut it up if you really wanted to.)

Beter yet would be to use one of the cheap organizers like the ones made by
royal, because they have an alphanumeric keypad.

I've done this before!


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