Is there a device that can...

"Frank Bemelman" ...
"Winfield Hill" ...

Current-switched level shifting, by contrast, saves two resistors
and also has a few other advantages (there is a requirement that
the switched voltage be higher than the logic-control voltage).

. hv in ---+-- E C ------- out
. | B Q2 switched
. R2 2.7k | pnp
. | |
. '-----+
. |
. C
. logic ----- B Q1
. control E npn
. 5.0V |
. R1 4.3k
. |
. gnd

The current provided by R1 is the desired base-drive current, plus
the base discharge current Vbe/R2. The base-drive current level is
provided independently of any changes in the switched power voltage.
The circuit is suitable for switching high voltages, for example
if Q1 is a mpsA42, up to 300V can be switched. If Q2 is a MOSFET,
chose R2/R1 to provide about 12V of gate voltage for the ON state.

Hey, I like that one. You just saved me 500 resistors per year ;)
Now I have to find a way to buy the Guru a cup of coffee and a
If EVER that BC junction shorts you will blow the micro.
Done it, got bitten, came back...

Arie de Muynck
"Arie de Muynck" <> schreef in bericht
"Frank Bemelman" ...
"Winfield Hill" ...

Current-switched level shifting, by contrast, saves two resistors
and also has a few other advantages (there is a requirement that
the switched voltage be higher than the logic-control voltage).

. hv in ---+-- E C ------- out
. | B Q2 switched
. R2 2.7k | pnp
. | |
. '-----+
. |
. C
. logic ----- B Q1
. control E npn
. 5.0V |
. R1 4.3k
. |
. gnd

The current provided by R1 is the desired base-drive current, plus
the base discharge current Vbe/R2. The base-drive current level is
provided independently of any changes in the switched power voltage.
The circuit is suitable for switching high voltages, for example
if Q1 is a mpsA42, up to 300V can be switched. If Q2 is a MOSFET,
chose R2/R1 to provide about 12V of gate voltage for the ON state.

Hey, I like that one. You just saved me 500 resistors per year ;)
Now I have to find a way to buy the Guru a cup of coffee and a

If EVER that BC junction shorts you will blow the micro.
Done it, got bitten, came back...
Ai, there goes the coffee and the donut.

Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'q' and 'invalid' when replying by email)

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