I am trying to build a timer circuit to turn on a relay for 60 seconds
every 1, 2, or 4 hours. I was planning on using a 555 astable running at
approximately 1 pulse every 3.5 seconds connecting that output to the cd
4020 clock input , and then using a dip switch to take the outputs from the
cd 4020 at the 1024, 2048, or 4096 output for my 1hr, 2hr, or 4hrs (plus or
minus a few minutes). This signal would trigger a oneshot to turn the relay
on for 60 seconds. My plan was to also reset the 4020 at this same time
using the signal from the oneshot.
I am wondering if the 555 is a good choice at such a low frequency (0.28
Hz). It can supposedly supply a frequency as low as 0.1Hz according to my
TTL cookbook.
every 1, 2, or 4 hours. I was planning on using a 555 astable running at
approximately 1 pulse every 3.5 seconds connecting that output to the cd
4020 clock input , and then using a dip switch to take the outputs from the
cd 4020 at the 1024, 2048, or 4096 output for my 1hr, 2hr, or 4hrs (plus or
minus a few minutes). This signal would trigger a oneshot to turn the relay
on for 60 seconds. My plan was to also reset the 4020 at this same time
using the signal from the oneshot.
I am wondering if the 555 is a good choice at such a low frequency (0.28
Hz). It can supposedly supply a frequency as low as 0.1Hz according to my
TTL cookbook.