Inquiry about a VHDL signal tracer tool...



Hi guys,

This is my 1st message to the group.I work as a VHDL programmer. I
have a hard time in analyzing the hierarchy and then tracing the
signals i.e. where a signal is generated and to which component it
goes to. Now i am personally vewing...or verifying the
code. Will some help me to find a tool that automatically generates
this kinda report thus saving enormous amount of precious time..

Debashish Hota
Developemnet Engineer
Xalted Networks
"Debashish" <> wrote in message

have a hard time in analyzing the hierarchy and then tracing the
signals i.e. where a signal is generated and to which component it
goes to. Now i am personally vewing...or verifying the
code. Will some help me to find a tool that automatically generates
this kinda report thus saving enormous amount of precious time..
Load your design into any good simulator (ModelSim, NC, etc, etc)
running in GUI mode. The simulator will give you a graphical
(tree) view of the hierarchy, and should also offer you a "dataflow"
or similar display that lets you locate sources and destinations
of any signal, and which signals are connected to any hierarchy

Jonathan Bromley, Consultant

DOULOS - Developing Design Know-how
VHDL * Verilog * SystemC * Perl * Tcl/Tk * Verification * Project Services

Doulos Ltd. Church Hatch, 22 Market Place, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 1AW, UK
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The contents of this message may contain personal views which
are not the views of Doulos Ltd., unless specifically stated.
Jonathan Bromley wrote:
"Debashish" <> wrote in message

have a hard time in analyzing the hierarchy and then tracing the
signals i.e. where a signal is generated and to which component it
goes to. Now i am personally vewing...or verifying the
code. Will some help me to find a tool that automatically generates
this kinda report thus saving enormous amount of precious time..

Load your design into any good simulator (ModelSim, NC, etc, etc)
running in GUI mode. The simulator will give you a graphical
(tree) view of the hierarchy, and should also offer you a "dataflow"
or similar display that lets you locate sources and destinations
of any signal, and which signals are connected to any hierarchy
debussy from Novas ( and HDL Designer
( from Mentor Graphics are excellent tools for
tracing signal hierarchy graphically.

Debashish wrote:
Hi guys,

This is my 1st message to the group.I work as a VHDL programmer. I
have a hard time in analyzing the hierarchy and then tracing the
signals i.e. where a signal is generated and to which component it
goes to. Now i am personally vewing...or verifying the
code. Will some help me to find a tool that automatically generates
this kinda report thus saving enormous amount of precious time..

To quickly find the files and line numbers,
if you have the system command "grep" available,
from the source directory you can say:

grep -n my_sig_name *.vhd

For maintainable wires, make your top level
entity out of direct instances with named
associations. Like this:

-- Component instances are direct to eliminate component
-- declarations. The only component that might need indirect
-- instances is the device level entity because we might want
-- to configure the top level for a source code architecture and or
-- for a timing netlist architecture from quartus. Since these are
-- all internal entities, only the source architectures will ever
-- be needed.

hdlc_1 : entity work.hdlc
port map (reset => reset, -- [in]
rx_clk => rx_clk, -- [in]
rx_clk_dis => rx_clk_dis, -- [in]
sys_clk => sys_clk, -- [in]
bitstream => bitstream, -- [in]
crc32not16 => crc32not16, -- [in]
octet_valid => octet_valid_wire, -- [out]
octet_count => octet_count_wire, -- [out]
eop => eop_wire, -- [out]
sop => sop_wire, -- [out] -- not used

octet_out => octet_out_wire, -- [out]
error_code => error_code); -- [out]

hdlc2packet_1 : entity work.hdlc2packet

port map (reset => reset, -- [in]
clk => sys_clk, -- [in]
octet_in => octet_out_wire, -- [in]
octet_valid => octet_valid_wire, -- [in]
octet_count => octet_count_wire, -- [in]
eop => eop_wire, -- [in]
packet_bus => packet_bus,
word_valid => word_valid, -- [out]
packet_start => packet_start, -- [out]
packet_end => packet_end, -- [out]
end_ona_byte => end_ona_byte); -- [out]
--- etc, etc
Then all the wires and ports are in one file.
All you need is an editor search to check or fix them.

Use some suffix like _s or _wire on wire signals so you can tell
port to port connections from wired connections.

There are graphical hierarchy viewers available,
but I find these ponderously slow for large designs.

Note that emacs vhdl-mode will do a lot of this work for you.

-- Mike Treseler

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