how to get the sign of each row in matrix


nitin sapre

i have a matrix

i need to get sign of each rows

L =

3.4000 -4.4000 4.7000 0 2.9000 0 0
0 -4.6000 4.9000 -3.0000 0 2.1000 0
-3.5000 -4.5000 0 -2.5000 0 0 -2.6000
-4.1000 0 5.4000 0 3.6000 2.6000 3.2000

first row should be -ve 2nd row is +ve and so on In verilog
On Thursday, January 23, 2020 at 11:15:17 PM UTC-5, nitin sapre wrote:
i have a matrix

i need to get sign of each rows

L =

3.4000 -4.4000 4.7000 0 2.9000 0 0
0 -4.6000 4.9000 -3.0000 0 2.1000 0
-3.5000 -4.5000 0 -2.5000 0 0 -2.6000
-4.1000 0 5.4000 0 3.6000 2.6000 3.2000

first row should be -ve 2nd row is +ve and so on In verilog

What is the algorithm you intend to use to find the sign of each row in the matrix?

How much Verilog do you know?


Rick C.

- Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
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On Friday, January 24, 2020 at 10:12:02 AM UTC+5:30, Rick C wrote:
On Thursday, January 23, 2020 at 11:15:17 PM UTC-5, nitin sapre wrote:
i have a matrix

i need to get sign of each rows

L =

3.4000 -4.4000 4.7000 0 2.9000 0 0
0 -4.6000 4.9000 -3.0000 0 2.1000 0
-3.5000 -4.5000 0 -2.5000 0 0 -2.6000
-4.1000 0 5.4000 0 3.6000 2.6000 3.2000

first row should be -ve 2nd row is +ve and so on In verilog

What is the algorithm you intend to use to find the sign of each row in the matrix?

How much Verilog do you know?


Rick C.

- Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
- Tesla referral code -

module sign(L);

parameter BIT_WIDTH=8;
parameter L_MATRIX= 224;
parameter L_ROW=4,L_COL=7;
parameter MEM_WIDTH=28;
parameter M_ROW=4,M_COL=7;

input [L_MATRIX-1:0] L;//for H matrix
// output reg [MEM_WIDTH:0] Res;//storage

reg [BIT_WIDTH-1:0] L1 [0:L_ROW-1][0:L_COL];// H matrix elements
reg RES1 [0:M_ROW-1][0:M_COL-1];//storage matrix memory
reg [0:3]S;
integer i,j;
always@ (*)
//Initialize the matrices-convert 1 D to 3D arrays

L1[3][0],L1[3][1],L1[3][2],L1[3][3],L1[3][4],L1[3][5],L1[3][6]} = L;
i = 0;
j = 0;

for(i=0;i <= 3;i=i+1)
RES1[j] = L1[j][7];


frm this code i got the MSB of each element of a row..

i just need to xor all elements of a row to get my ans

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