For example, with the swap input in it, \"from 0x45F3 to 0xF345\", the Fıfo memory design...


Aykut Yıldız

Hı I am electronic and comunicaiton engeneering student.Our teacher gave us a project assignment, but at first he asked for the fifo memory, I created the code for it, but I could not come up with an idea in the swap part, I will be glad if you help me.

library IEEE;

entity fifomemory is
FIFO_DERINLIGI : integer := 250 ;
VERI_UZUNLUGU : integer := 24;
FIFO_DOLUYOR : integer := 250;
FIFO_BOSALIYOR : integer := 10
Port (
in_clk : in std_logic;
in_rst : in std_logic;
in_yaz: in std_logic;
in_oku : in std_logic;
in_data: in std_logic_vector(VERI_UZUNLUGU -1 downto 0);
out_doluyor: out std_logic;
out_dolu: out std_logic;
out_data: out std_logic_vector(VERI_UZUNLUGU -1 downto 0);
out_data_vld: out std_logic;
out_bosaliyor: out std_logic;
out_bos: out std_logic
end fifomemory;

architecture Behavioral of fifomemory is
type t_FIFO_DATA is array (0 to FIFO_DERINLIGI -1)of std_logic_vector(VERI_UZUNLUGU -1 downto 0);
signal r_FIFO_DATA: t_FIFO_DATA := (others =>(others=>\'0\'));
signal r_fifo_sayac: integer range -1 to FIFO_DERINLIGI +1 :=0;
signal ind_yaz : integer range 0 to FIFO_DERINLIGI -1 :=0;
signal ind_oku : integer range 0 to FIFO_DERINLIGI -1 :=0;
signal bayrak_dolu : std_logic := \'0\';
signal bayrak_bos: std_logic := \'0\';
signal r_data_vld: std_logic := \'0\';
signal r_data : std_logic_vector(VERI_UZUNLUGU -1 downto 0) := (others => \'0\');

out_data <= r_data;
out_data_vld <= r_data_vld;
out_dolu <= \'1\' when r_fifo_sayac = FIFO_DERINLIGI else \'0\';
out_bos <= \'1\' when r_fifo_sayac = 0 else \'0\';
bayrak_dolu <= \'1\' when r_fifo_sayac = FIFO_DERINLIGI else \'0\';
bayrak_bos <= \'1\' when r_fifo_sayac= 0 else \'0\';
out_doluyor <= \'1\' when r_fifo_sayac > FIFO_DOLUYOR else \'0\';
out_bosaliyor <= \'1\' when r_fifo_sayac < FIFO_BOSALIYOR else \'0\';

process (in_clk, in_rst)
if in_rst = \'1\' then
r_FIFO_DATA<= (others => (others =>\'0\'));
r_fifo_sayac <= 0;
ind_yaz <= 0;
ind_oku <= 0;
r_data_vld <= \'0\';
r_data <= (others => \'0\');
elsif rising_edge(in_clk) then
if in_yaz = \'1\' and in_oku = \'0\' then
r_fifo_sayac <= r_fifo_sayac + 1;
elsif in_yaz = \'0\' and in_yaz = \'1\' then
r_fifo_sayac <= r_fifo_sayac - 1;
end if;
if in_yaz = \'1\' and bayrak_dolu = \'0\' then
if ind_yaz = FIFO_DERINLIGI - 1 then
ind_yaz<= 0;
ind_yaz <= ind_yaz + 1;
end if;
end if;
if(in_oku = \'1\' and bayrak_bos =\'0\') then
if ind_oku = FIFO_DERINLIGI - 1 then
ind_oku <= 0;
ind_oku <= ind_oku + 1;
end if ;
r_data <= r_FIFO_DATA (ind_oku);
r_data_vld<= \'1\';
r_data_vld <= \'0\';
end if;
end if;
if in_yaz = \'1\' then
r_FIFO_DATA(ind_yaz)<= in_data;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
On Wednesday, December 2, 2020 at 11:05:43 AM UTC-5, wrote:
Hı I am electronic and comunicaiton engeneering student.Our teacher gave us a project assignment, but at first he asked for the fifo memory, I created the code for it, but I could not come up with an idea in the swap part, I will be glad if you help me.

library IEEE;

entity fifomemory is
FIFO_DERINLIGI : integer := 250 ;
VERI_UZUNLUGU : integer := 24;
FIFO_DOLUYOR : integer := 250;
FIFO_BOSALIYOR : integer := 10
Port (
in_clk : in std_logic;
in_rst : in std_logic;
in_yaz: in std_logic;
in_oku : in std_logic;
in_data: in std_logic_vector(VERI_UZUNLUGU -1 downto 0);
out_doluyor: out std_logic;
out_dolu: out std_logic;
out_data: out std_logic_vector(VERI_UZUNLUGU -1 downto 0);
out_data_vld: out std_logic;
out_bosaliyor: out std_logic;
out_bos: out std_logic
end fifomemory;

architecture Behavioral of fifomemory is
type t_FIFO_DATA is array (0 to FIFO_DERINLIGI -1)of std_logic_vector(VERI_UZUNLUGU -1 downto 0);
signal r_FIFO_DATA: t_FIFO_DATA := (others =>(others=>\'0\'));
signal r_fifo_sayac: integer range -1 to FIFO_DERINLIGI +1 :=0;
signal ind_yaz : integer range 0 to FIFO_DERINLIGI -1 :=0;
signal ind_oku : integer range 0 to FIFO_DERINLIGI -1 :=0;
signal bayrak_dolu : std_logic := \'0\';
signal bayrak_bos: std_logic := \'0\';
signal r_data_vld: std_logic := \'0\';
signal r_data : std_logic_vector(VERI_UZUNLUGU -1 downto 0) := (others => \'0\');

out_data <= r_data;
out_data_vld <= r_data_vld;
out_dolu <= \'1\' when r_fifo_sayac = FIFO_DERINLIGI else \'0\';
out_bos <= \'1\' when r_fifo_sayac = 0 else \'0\';
bayrak_dolu <= \'1\' when r_fifo_sayac = FIFO_DERINLIGI else \'0\';
bayrak_bos <= \'1\' when r_fifo_sayac= 0 else \'0\';
out_doluyor <= \'1\' when r_fifo_sayac > FIFO_DOLUYOR else \'0\';
out_bosaliyor <= \'1\' when r_fifo_sayac < FIFO_BOSALIYOR else \'0\';

process (in_clk, in_rst)
if in_rst = \'1\' then
r_FIFO_DATA<= (others => (others =>\'0\'));
r_fifo_sayac <= 0;
ind_yaz <= 0;
ind_oku <= 0;
r_data_vld <= \'0\';
r_data <= (others => \'0\');
elsif rising_edge(in_clk) then
if in_yaz = \'1\' and in_oku = \'0\' then
r_fifo_sayac <= r_fifo_sayac + 1;
elsif in_yaz = \'0\' and in_yaz = \'1\' then
r_fifo_sayac <= r_fifo_sayac - 1;
end if;
if in_yaz = \'1\' and bayrak_dolu = \'0\' then
if ind_yaz = FIFO_DERINLIGI - 1 then
ind_yaz<= 0;
ind_yaz <= ind_yaz + 1;
end if;
end if;
if(in_oku = \'1\' and bayrak_bos =\'0\') then
if ind_oku = FIFO_DERINLIGI - 1 then
ind_oku <= 0;
ind_oku <= ind_oku + 1;
end if ;
r_data <= r_FIFO_DATA (ind_oku);
r_data_vld<= \'1\';
r_data_vld <= \'0\';
end if;
end if;
if in_yaz = \'1\' then
r_FIFO_DATA(ind_yaz)<= in_data;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;

Somewhere in the code swap the high byte and the low byte. You don\'t show the calling sequence and your default bit width is 24, so I\'m not sure how to code this generally, the requirement is not clear. So I\'ll assume the requirement is to swap the high bits with the low bits regardless of bus size.

out_data(VERI_UZUNLUGU -1 downto VERI_UZUNLUGU / 2) <= r_data((VERI_UZUNLUGU / 2) -1 downto 0);

out_data((VERI_UZUNLUGU / 2) -1 downto 0) <= r_data(VERI_UZUNLUGU -1 downto VERI_UZUNLUGU / 2);

VERI_UZUNLUGU must be even. You might want to add an assert statement to verify this. But not required since an odd value will cause a mismatch in these assignments and cause an error. An assert will give a very clear error report though instead of a cryptic syntax error.


Rick C.

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On Wednesday, December 2, 2020 at 11:05:43 AM UTC-5, wrote:
Hı I am electronic and comunicaiton engeneering student.Our teacher gave us a project assignment, but at first he asked for the fifo memory, I created the code for it, but I could not come up with an idea in the swap part, I will be glad if you help me.

library IEEE;

entity fifomemory is
FIFO_DERINLIGI : integer := 250 ;
VERI_UZUNLUGU : integer := 24;
FIFO_DOLUYOR : integer := 250;
FIFO_BOSALIYOR : integer := 10
Port (
in_clk : in std_logic;
in_rst : in std_logic;
in_yaz: in std_logic;
in_oku : in std_logic;
in_data: in std_logic_vector(VERI_UZUNLUGU -1 downto 0);
out_doluyor: out std_logic;
out_dolu: out std_logic;
out_data: out std_logic_vector(VERI_UZUNLUGU -1 downto 0);
out_data_vld: out std_logic;
out_bosaliyor: out std_logic;
out_bos: out std_logic
end fifomemory;

architecture Behavioral of fifomemory is
type t_FIFO_DATA is array (0 to FIFO_DERINLIGI -1)of std_logic_vector(VERI_UZUNLUGU -1 downto 0);
signal r_FIFO_DATA: t_FIFO_DATA := (others =>(others=>\'0\'));
signal r_fifo_sayac: integer range -1 to FIFO_DERINLIGI +1 :=0;
signal ind_yaz : integer range 0 to FIFO_DERINLIGI -1 :=0;
signal ind_oku : integer range 0 to FIFO_DERINLIGI -1 :=0;
signal bayrak_dolu : std_logic := \'0\';
signal bayrak_bos: std_logic := \'0\';
signal r_data_vld: std_logic := \'0\';
signal r_data : std_logic_vector(VERI_UZUNLUGU -1 downto 0) := (others => \'0\');

out_data <= r_data;
out_data_vld <= r_data_vld;
out_dolu <= \'1\' when r_fifo_sayac = FIFO_DERINLIGI else \'0\';
out_bos <= \'1\' when r_fifo_sayac = 0 else \'0\';
bayrak_dolu <= \'1\' when r_fifo_sayac = FIFO_DERINLIGI else \'0\';
bayrak_bos <= \'1\' when r_fifo_sayac= 0 else \'0\';
out_doluyor <= \'1\' when r_fifo_sayac > FIFO_DOLUYOR else \'0\';
out_bosaliyor <= \'1\' when r_fifo_sayac < FIFO_BOSALIYOR else \'0\';

process (in_clk, in_rst)
if in_rst = \'1\' then
r_FIFO_DATA<= (others => (others =>\'0\'));
r_fifo_sayac <= 0;
ind_yaz <= 0;
ind_oku <= 0;
r_data_vld <= \'0\';
r_data <= (others => \'0\');
elsif rising_edge(in_clk) then
if in_yaz = \'1\' and in_oku = \'0\' then
r_fifo_sayac <= r_fifo_sayac + 1;
elsif in_yaz = \'0\' and in_yaz = \'1\' then
r_fifo_sayac <= r_fifo_sayac - 1;
end if;
if in_yaz = \'1\' and bayrak_dolu = \'0\' then
if ind_yaz = FIFO_DERINLIGI - 1 then
ind_yaz<= 0;
ind_yaz <= ind_yaz + 1;
end if;
end if;
if(in_oku = \'1\' and bayrak_bos =\'0\') then
if ind_oku = FIFO_DERINLIGI - 1 then
ind_oku <= 0;
ind_oku <= ind_oku + 1;
end if ;
r_data <= r_FIFO_DATA (ind_oku);
r_data_vld<= \'1\';
r_data_vld <= \'0\';
end if;
end if;
if in_yaz = \'1\' then
r_FIFO_DATA(ind_yaz)<= in_data;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;

Somewhere in the code swap the high byte and the low byte. You don\'t show the calling sequence and your default bit width is 24, so I\'m not sure how to code this generally, the requirement is not clear. So I\'ll assume the requirement is to swap the high bits with the low bits regardless of bus size.

out_data(VERI_UZUNLUGU -1 downto VERI_UZUNLUGU / 2) <= r_data((VERI_UZUNLUGU / 2) -1 downto 0);

out_data((VERI_UZUNLUGU / 2) -1 downto 0) <= r_data(VERI_UZUNLUGU -1 downto VERI_UZUNLUGU / 2);

VERI_UZUNLUGU must be even. You might want to add an assert statement to verify this. But not required since an odd value will cause a mismatch in these assignments and cause an error. An assert will give a very clear error report though instead of a cryptic syntax error.


Rick C.

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