Circles on water damaged monitor?

  • Thread starter Commander Kinsey
  • Start date
"Commander Kinsey" <> wrote in message
On Wed, 08 May 2019 22:24:15 +0100, Rod Speed <

"Commander Kinsey" <> wrote in message
On Tue, 07 May 2019 23:30:04 +0100, Rod Speed <

"Commander Kinsey" <> wrote in message
On Tue, 07 May 2019 02:49:54 +0100, Rod Speed

"Commander Kinsey" <> wrote in message
On Mon, 06 May 2019 20:44:56 +0100, Rod Speed

"Commander Kinsey" <> wrote in message
On Mon, 06 May 2019 20:00:11 +0100, Rod Speed

"Commander Kinsey" <> wrote in message
On Mon, 06 May 2019 00:35:54 +0100, Rod Speed

"Commander Kinsey" <> wrote in message
On Sun, 05 May 2019 19:08:24 +0100, Rod Speed

"Commander Kinsey" <> wrote in
Why copy a yank instead of a Brit?

I don't copy anyone. I do what makes sense.

That's why I don't fart around with ies and use ys instead.

I am logical with some words. I say and write pronounciation,
comes from pronounce, not pronunce.

I couldn't care less where it comes from.

What matters is whether the individual reading it knows what I
am referring to, and they do when I spell it tire, from the

They also think you're a fucking idiot.

Only a few fools like you.

No, most people laugh at those who can't spell.

Try facebook and twitter sometime.

A quick note to somebody I can excuse.

IMO its mad to be wasting lots of time teaching
kids how to spell correctly with a language which
has stolen so many words from all sorts of foreign
languages. What matters is whether the meaning is
clear, not if every word is spelt correctly, particularly
with the more obscure stuff like its and it's etc.

I agree on its and it's. In fact I often deliberately write it's if
something belongs to it.

Oh and spelt instead of spelled too. Why have more than one past

Because of english having so many stolen words in it.

Same with fora/forums etc too.

I can appreciate the weird spellings from stolen words, but there's no
need for silly pedantic things like two past tenses.

English chose to ditch some stupiditys like sex for most inanimate
objects but not for all, most obviously with ships.

Hardly anything has a sex in English, unless it really does have a sex,
like a dog.

What I said in different words.

Same with tenses. Some languages which were stolen from have many more
than english or at least commonly used forms of english.

You have now, later, and earlier. Three tenses and nothing more.

The are more the same reason that eskimos have a lot more
names for different types of snow than say you english do.

There are a lot more names for the various forms of fasteners
than most of the general public do who cant even work out the
difference between a bolt and a screw, let alone a grub screw etc.

Describing the difference between different devices is sensible.
Describing the difference between something that happened in the past and
something that happened in the past - er what?

There are different ways thing can happen in in the past.

But if you type whole sentences in an email or newsgroup post, I
expect something more adult.

More fool you. Doesn't matter if a facebook
post is telling a chest of drawers or says draws.

Every so often you get ambiguousness.

Not often enough to matter so it makes no sense
to be spending countless hours making kids spell
stuff so there can be no ambiguity.

When I see someone write draws instead of drawers I just laugh. It's
indicative of gross stupidity.

Nope, just someone who doesn't care about spelling.

Usually it's someone in a council estate

That's bullshit.

> who doesn't know there's two spellings.

Oh bullshit. Its mostly those who can't be bothered
with the correct approach, like you with its and it's
and with those who don't bother to make the
distinction between less and fewer etc.

They're two entirely different words, one is an action - making a
the other is a piece of furniture. Just because they sound the same is
excuse to confuse them.

No point in wasting lots of time teaching that sort of thing
to kids in school

Just because they can't be distinguished in speach doesn't mean they
shouldn't be distinguished in writing.

But it clearly works with speech so does with writing too.

and not bothering to teach them the stupidity of racking up whatever they
want on credit cards etc.

Just ban credit cards.

That would be completely stupid. They do have their
uses most obviously when say getting decent clothes
that are needed for work to earn a decent income etc.

Or being able to pay for an appliance that has died
and is useful to replace before you can get the money
to replace it with something that you use for cooking
instead of eating more expensive fast food etc.

In spades when the bulk of the english speaking world
uses tires instead of tyres or color instead of colour.

No, only the stoopid yanks.

Wrong, as always.

I've never seen anyone but the yanks write color instead of colour.

Then you need to get out more, particularly
with those whose first language isnt english.

I don't associate with those sort.

Corse you do when you stuff your spam thru their letterbox.

And with those its irrelevant anyway, it's the same word.

Who would want to look like an American?

Only pig ignorant anal fools like you operate like that.

Who gives a flying red fuck what anything
looks like to pig ignorant anal fools like that ?

Mind you I've recently closed my Facebook account,

More fool you. It still be best place to find cheap
or free stuff local people are getting rid of etc.

No, I get free and cheap local big stuff on freecycle, freegle, and

The facebook buy swap sell groups leave those for dead.

The gumtree UI is fucked in comparison.



Facebook is designed for conversation,


It's a fucking chat room.

Its always been a hell of a lot more than that.

> Where is the checkout?

There isnt one on gumtree either.

> Where is the automatic link to paypal?

There isnt one on gumtree either.

Gumtree is designed for selling.

But there is vastly more local stuff in the local
buy swap sell groups than on gumtree.

Not here.


> I've got loads of stuff off Gumtree.

You'd get plenty more on the local facebook buy swap sell groups.

Everything in my house that's too big to be posted from Ebay, I've got
from Gumtree.

Everything that is too big to be posted on from ebay
I have got from a facebook buy swap sell group, a
garage sale, a swap meet and just a couple of
things that I have had posted from Gumtree.

Plenty have got their car from a facebook buy swap sell
group and some have bought or sold their house too.

And far more local info like where to
get some particular item locally too.

The fucking postcode is in Gumtree,

I was talking about which retail operation sell what
they are asking about, or which mechanic is working
on a public holiday or weekend etc, or who will give
them a lift with shared petrol costs, or who will let
them leave their car at their place when they will
be away for a month or so on holiday etc.

what more do you need? I can go to Gumtree and type "fridge", then my own
postcode. I'll get the nearest fridges. Tell me how to do that search in

You go to the Marketplace, use the same search
word, get a list sorted by those closest to you
and the date at which it was posted on facebook.

You're using the wrong interface.

You are, because there is far more on
the facebook buy swap sell groups.

I don't care for morons that use the wrong interface.

It aint the wrong interface. You are so fucking stupid you
havent even noticed the fucking facebook marketplace.

Smaller things I get on Ebay.

You get fuck all free stuff on ebay and no fee is
involved with facebook buy swap sell groups.

You said "and cheap", remember?

Irrelevant to where the best selection of used stuff is
and what works best when you want to get rid of stuff.

Everything I've got rid of, I just put it on Gumtree and get about 5
people wanting it.

You get a lot more than that on facebook.

all it was full of is friends of friends of friends I've never heard
of posting photos of their MacDonalds meal.

Only one of my friends ever does that and facebook
is a convenient way to keep track of what those who
have moved away from this town are currently up to.

Can't you communicate with them directly?

Corse I can, but its much more convenient for them
to list what they have been up to and have all of
their friends see that and respond if they want to.

And everyone sees everything,

No they don't.

My timeline was full of friends of friends of friends

Because you were too fucking stupid to work out how to use facebook.

> posting pictures of McDonalds meals,

Never ever had one of those in my timeline.

I have seen a couple post a pic of some dud they
have got from McDs or somewhere similar, in the
local facebook community notice board group.

how stupid.

Yes you are, and pig ignorant too.

Using a variant of "I know you are" makes you look like a 6 year old.

No one actually gives a flying red fuck what anything
looks like to a terminal pig ignorant fuckwit that couldn't
even manage to work out what would get it a decent
job instead of stuffing spam thru letterboxes.

I prefer to tell specific people about specific things that they're
interested in,

You're free to do that too, using messenger.

Email was invented long ago.

Messenger works much better with those who
don't have an email address and most don't.

Waste of fucking time. Anyone I actually want to know, I phone,
email, or speak to in person.

Plenty use messenger just as effectively
and plenty don't have an email.

Everybody has email, apart from those not on the internet at all.

Even sillier and more pig ignorant than you usually manage.

Mate of mine does everything on his phone, has no fixed net service at

Then he won't have Facebook either.

Corse he does. The vast bulk of those who use facebook do that on their

With no email address?


> I doubt it.

Yep, you actually are that pig ignorant.

As for twitter, shitty designed rubbish, no threads or anything,
just "tweets" which aren't related to any conversation.

The real world is about more than just conversations;

What's the point in a tweet without a reply?

With plenty its just like a blog, done differently.

Blogs are utterly pointless.

Plenty disagree.

Even you should have noticed that we have a
very good idea about what a terminal fuckwit
Trump is from the shit he spews on twitter.

I don't use twitter.

You don't need to, the media hyperventilates about what he posts there.

> And I'd vote for Trump,

No surprises there.

> he's a sensible right wing racist.

He's just another terminal fuckwit that
hasn't got a damned thing done.

And with plenty they tweet news that they have
observed personally like when they have just
been personally involved in a terrorist incident.

The christchurch arsehole broadcast
his atrocity live on facebook.

And if nobody can reply, what's the point?

Much better source of news than filtered thru some
journalist who can't possibly be there when it happens.

99% of news is of no interest to me.

Yes, you actually are that terminal a fuckwit and that certainly
explains why you are so pig ignorant about everything.

I don't personally use twitter because
I think the character limit is stupid.

Agreed on that.

Did you run out of energy when changing the wheel?

My energy doesn't have a tread or wear on just one side either.

Why should I have to work out which word you mean from context?

Its automatic for anyone who isnt brain dead.

Now make every word have two possibilities.

But its normally obvious from the context which is intended.

All of what you've written in this thread is perfectly intelligible.

Their ads on facebook for draws etc are too.

You're not making an arse of your spelling like most Facebook users

Only you OCDs obsess about about spelling.

I don't care about a few mistakes, but when every other word is wrong

They never are.

Yours aren't, but some people fuckup 50% of words.

No one does.

They clearly don't have a 3 digit IQ and I don't want to know them.

You ex employers feel the same way about you.

Because I pointed out to the world that they stole Ł4 million?

That wasn't why they gave you the bums rush.

So, why are you spelling fairly well in this post?

Nothing has changed with my spelling in this post.

I didn't say it had changed, who said anything about change?

That was implied by your 'in this post', stupid.

Just use the right one in the first place.

There is no right one. FAR more use tire instead of tyre.

You get to like that or lump it.

Only yanks use the wrong one.

Wrong, as always. Most whose
first language isnt english do too.

They have a lower IQ, look up the stats.

So do you hairy legged cross dressing haggis gorgers.

Only if you include Glasgow.


Glaswegians are thicker than everyone else in the UK.

Even sillier than you usually manage and that's saying something.

Show me evidence of intelligent Glaswegians!

Billy Connelly.

> 90% of them are in council flats.

Nothing stupid about that. And that's a pig ignorant lie anyway.

Well all the humans that is, forget the Muslims.

Even sillier than you usually manage and that's saying something.

So you're backing Mozzies now?

Nope, just pissing on you from a great height, as always.
On Sun, 12 May 2019 07:56:56 +1000, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:

<FLUSH the two exceptional asshole's latest trollshit>

Richard addressing Rot Speed:
"Shit you're thick/pathetic excuse for a troll."
MID: <ogoa38$pul$>
On Wed, 08 May 2019 22:24:15 +0100, Rod Speed <> wrote:

"Commander Kinsey" <> wrote in message
On Tue, 07 May 2019 23:30:04 +0100, Rod Speed <

"Commander Kinsey" <> wrote in message
On Tue, 07 May 2019 02:49:54 +0100, Rod Speed <

"Commander Kinsey" <> wrote in message
On Mon, 06 May 2019 20:44:56 +0100, Rod Speed

"Commander Kinsey" <> wrote in message
On Mon, 06 May 2019 20:00:11 +0100, Rod Speed

If they keep stock of whatever they have ever been asked for,
that will obviously cost more than only keeping the most popular
tires in stock and ordering in the unusual ones as required. So
will obviously be able to flog me the tires I use cheaper.

Or add the price onto the unusual ones only.

Not going to work when they never sell another of those.

Then they shouldn't buy another.

They need at least 4 of anything they might
sell because plenty change all 4 or 5 at once.

They don't all wear out at once.

They do if you rotate them. And plenty change them
all at once even when they don't rotate them.

What the fuck is the point in rotating them?

They wear out at the same time.

So a bigger bill at once, the hassle of moving them, and you're driving around with all four with low tread.

And if only one is worn out,

That only happens if the alignment is fucked.

No, the one in the middle of the road experiences a different surface to the one at the edge. Or one might have been damaged by a puncture.

why replace the good three?

I change one at a time.

So do I but most don't, so the tire place has cover what most do.

I've never heard of anyone doing that.

Then you need to get out more, as always.

I don't know many OCD folk.

A few weirdos replace two at once because they think it's safer to have
identical tyres opposite each other.

They're right with some shit designs of cars.

I've never even noticed a car with all bald tyres behave differently to one with all new tyres. Maybe I'm just better at compensating.

And it isnt just a few.

I've just got 4 wheels and tires FROM FACEBOOK for just $10
because I didn't have a spare for my trailer which I got very
cheaply FROM FACEBOOK a couple of years ago now.

Gumtree had a free trailer here the other day.

3 of them are well worn, all about the same level of wear
so they must have been rotated. One is almost full tread
but is flat. I'll use the worn ones as spares and only
bother to get the flat fixed if the 3 ever become
unusable which is very unlikely indeed.

They should tell the owner of the weird car to buy a normal one.

Great way to get the customer to come back for their future tires.

Who cares about someone who has different tyres to everyone else?

Those that find it works better to always be able to give the
customer what they show up wanting to buy so they don't
go to some other operation which has it on the shelf.

95% of people come in wanting a VW, Ford, etc tyre, keep those in stock.
Why bother with the Alfa Romeo owners?

Because you can flog them what they want and slug them
more than you can slug the other high volume car owners.

You've changed sides in this argument. You just said you don't like garages which do that, as it apparently makes your cheaper tyres cost more. So if you were right in your original opinion, those garages are losing the custom of the 95%.

One day I got them to fix my brakes - they charged me Ł93
(before labour) for a calliper I could have got for Ł30 on

So you should have checked that before you got them to do that.

At that time the car was almost undriveable, I couldn't be
it back home and in again.

And you know so little about cars that you didn't know what

Not everyone knows everything.

But most don't know as little about cars as you do. Or dogs either.

Most people have no clue how to fix anything on a car.

Another garage, Farmer's Autocare, I took the car for an MOT,
gave me a list of what needed doing. I bought all the parts,
them to the guy, and he refused to fit them, he wanted markup
parts. I called them cowboys, reported them to a few trading
went to Foz Sports, who did the work without question.

We fit them ourselves.

I'm a shit mechanic. I've never even replaced a brake.

I've done a lot more than that, including wheel bearings.

Lucky you.

No luck involved.

It's a saying.

That mate of mine has just bought a Merc C180 for
just $1500 which had a bit of miss in the engine and
got the non genuine part needed to fix it for peanuts.

But after what Clare and 'Arlen' have said about high end kraut
will be interesting to see what else ends up needing fixing over

Him and his son had previously had 3 Hyundai Grandeurs
that also cost them peanuts and ended up with 2 good ones
and have cost them nothing because they have sold what
parts they didn't need themselves of the third on ebay etc.

Only German car I've had was VW,

Same here.

that was reliable

Nothing like as reliable as the Getz which had no warranty claims
so ever. The Golf did, and more than one as well. Important ones

But since my 73 Golf, things got much worse.

and cheap parts.

Yeah, but the Getz is even cheaper.

Never owned a Hyundai so I don't know what they're like. But if it
me drive half the speed limit like the rest of the moronic owners

It doesn't. Only one of the garage salers
can keep up with me and she's dead now.

Why is it every Hyundai I've seen in the UK is driving very slowly?

Don't believe that and it certainly doesn't happen here.

It certainly does here.

Don't believe it, even in that council sink estate filled with low IQ

Well it's true, I'm always stuck behind them.

Don't believe it.

I have never seen one single Hyundai ever break the speed limit, even by 10mph. They're driven like Volvos were before the sportier ones came out.

It's the sort of attitude some people have.

Don't believe that either.

They buy cars which are good value, and also adhere to rules like speed

That's not half the speed limit.

Some of them do,

Don't believe it.

they actually think the limit is an absolute limit and you should be
usually well below it!

Don't believe that even the dregs of scotland
who are too stupid to emigrate operate like that.

There are a lot of law abiding fuckwits around here. Or people too stupid to use a satnav to avoid the pigs.

People like me who drive fast tend to either drive sports cars or old


No it isn't.

Corse it is.

Every time I see a fast car it's either a banger like mine or something
really done up.

That's nothing like your original.


They're like Rover and Volvo owners.

Doesn't happen with volvos here either.

Ours are mostly driven by what we call squatters,
the rich end of farmers and the don't crawl along
in their volvos.

Rich farmers here drive Range Rovers,

We arent that stupid.

They're actually quite robust.

They are fucked by design compared with volvos.

And those that want robust arent stupid enough to bother
with Range Rovers which arent anything like that.

They're very sturdily built, especially offroad.

and yes they go fast.

Yep, born to rule mentality. We even had one as PM for a while.

Why did you just object to driving fast

I don't.. The born to rule don't drive fast.

Me: "Rich farmers here drive Range Rovers, and yes they go fast."
You: "Yep, born to rule mentality."
You: "The born to rule don't drive fast."

when you do so yourself?

no thanks!

I go to Foz all the time now, the last visit, he replaced an
bracket (Ł3.50) and topped up the gearbox oil (a litre for
only charged me half an hour labour on top of that for both

came across a big alsatian out on its own doing
similarly with most of the trees and gates on the
and going right down the driveway of some houses and
the dog behind the gate at the end of the drive.

What annoys me is when people allow their dogs (while
to piss on people's property.

You've clearly never walked a dog on a lead.
There is no way to stop that dog behaviour.

You pull the dog away from where it's pissing.

Doesn't stop it pissing on the next one.

Pull it again, if it continues, kick it.

Doesn't stop it, psychopath.

They prefer not to get beaten.

Thanks for that completely superfluous
proof that you have never had a dog.

Any animal or human will avoid what makes it be punished.

I'm not actually stupid enough to have a
dog on a lead when out walking with a dog.

Then I guess you have a well behaved dog.

I have never been silly enough to walk any dog like that.

Some dogs are so fucking stupid that if you take them out without
they attack, maim, injure, or kill other dogs.

I have enough of a clue to be selective about the breeds I have.

Why do you think people smack their kids?

Dogs work differently to kids.

No, they learn just like us.

Thanks for that completely superfluous
proof that you have never had one.

I know many people with dogs and have seen them train out bad

Not pissing on things you havent. You'll
never train a male dog to never do that
when out walking not on a lead.

Or to not sniff things either.

If you kick it hard enough, it'll never do it again.

Thanks for that completely superfluous
proof that you have never had a dog.

Try that with mine and you'd end up dead, quite literally.

So you don't have control over your own pet?

I'm not actually stupid enough to try kicking an immense
great alsatian that weighs almost as much as me.

Why did you buy a pet you cannot control?

I controlled him fine. I'm not actually stupid enough to kick a dog like

How do you control him then?

Tell him what to do and watch him do that.

He speaks English?

Why do you think you can make them sit, fetch, etc?

Because they like doing it with fetching.

And they like sitting?

Yep, do it regularly.

Only when they feel like it.

Nope, also when they know they will
be rewarded for doing that like with
the drug and currency sniffing dogs

Slave labour.

You are too.

I am nobody's slave.

Corse you are. You get paid fuck all for stuffing shit thru letterboxes.

I don't have to, I choose to.

You have to because no one is actually stupid enough to give you a real job.

No, I because I'm ill and find it almost impossible to get up early enough for a 9 to 5 job.

They ought to rebel and refuse to hunt down people using naturally
occuring plants.

Currency isnt a naturally occurring plant, unfortunately.

I was clearly referring to the drugs. And you tell me to use

Opium poppys are naturally occurring plants too. So is cocaine.

Agreed, what's your point?

That your line about naturally occurring plants is even
sillier than you usually manage, and that's saying something.

Why are you objecting to cocaine and opium use?

And shitting in the correct place?

Plenty of dogs do choose to do what they decide that
their master wants them to do. Cats don't work like that.

Mine do. 8 of my 9 cats now shit correctly.

Not when you tell them to.

Because I tell them to. They know if they do it in the wrong place I

Hasn't stopped that cat pissing on your monitor.

I've never told it not to.

Yes, you are that stupid. You should have done that the first time it did

It is the first time it did it.

You said the opposite just one post ago.

Only had the camera there for the second time.

It no longer goes where I've told it not to.

We'll see...

I've already seen. It stopped shitting in the shower. Camera above
shower, slapped when it did it, no longer does it.

Clearly didn't work with the monitor.

He hasn't done it again since I slapped him.

I doubt it. They do it because it pleases the leader of the pack

That's not why they fetch. They like chasing things and bring
it back so you can chuck it again and they can chase it again.

The stupid dogs fetch it then run off with it.

Nope, dogs don't do that.

I was at a friend's house the other day, I threw a toy across the room
it picked it up. It wouldn't give it back to me. Or my friend. She
it always does that.

Yeah, plenty of dogs operate like that, it's a game to them.

They do it with other dogs too, have a tug of war.

That's the way those drug and currency sniffer dogs
are rewarded, they get to have a tug of war with
the handler over a big sewn up cloth/canvas thing.

I wonder what the IQ of a dog is.

Much higher than a cat. It's a real rocket scientist
cat that even recognised its own name. All dogs do.

They're both monumentally stupid compared with us,


that's why no dog or cat has ever got a mortgage or a driving license..

They arent stupid enough to need either.

Your cats worked out how to get what they
want without farting around with any mortgage.

You never managed that yourself.

They don't exactly live a full life like humans.

I just saw one on Youtube try TEN times to get a long stick through a
narrow doorway sideways.

Yeah, that is one thing that they can have a problem with.

But then stupid cat leap up 10' when you put
a cucumber behind them on the ground.

You'd never see a dog do that.

I tried that with SIX of my cats, not one reacted whatsoever. Four
ignored it completely, and two just looked at and sniffed it before
walking off.

Plenty of cats doing it on youtube.

Not one dog doing it on youtube.

Very few cats will do it. There's plenty of humans on there reacting to things in a silly way, it doesn't mean we're all that thick.

You have to train it to bring it to you.

Bullshit you do with the worst of them.

They bring it to you to get you to chuck it again.

Actually that's pretty stupid. They already possess the toy, why give
to you so you can give it back?

It isnt the giving back, they enjoy chasing
it when you throw it and want you to
throw it more so they can chase it more.

Chasing an inanimate object is almost as stupid as when they chase their
own tails.

It aint stupid, they were bred like that to kill rats etc.

Can't they tell the difference between a live animal and a chewy toy?

Corse they can, but they have enough of a clue
to work out that when there is a live animal
available, a chewy toy is better than nothing.

Yeah, like you'd make do with a slice of bread instead of chocolate....

Hilarious watching some dogs round up little kids in
the backyard. They were bred to do that with sheep.

You must know some stupid kids.

Nothing to do with the kids. The kids don't actually get
rounded up, those breeds of dogs just try to do that.

So just the dogs that are stupid then.

Some of them do bring you a present of something
they have killed. Dogs don't do that instinctively.

A couple of mine did that twice each. They won't do it again.

Because you are a psychopath.

No, I prefer to not have local wildlife murdered.

All you are doing is stopping them bring the corpse
to you as a gift. They still murder the wildlife.

No they don't,

Corse they do.

They do not.

Corse they do.

It would have been seen.

as they can't be bothered eating it with feathers on, they prefer

That's not why they kill them, stupid.

They want food.

Nope, they kill things.

They think they're providing me with the food to cook and prepare.


No other reason to catch food.

They get food out of a tin, they don't need to kill birds.

But they enjoy doing that anyway.

No, they do it because they think they're giving me raw materials to
make the catfood.

Even sillier and more pig ignorant than you
usually manage, and that's saying something.

Farm cats that never get fed by humans and who
have to feed themselves, do that present stuff too.

They are too stupid to notice that humans
don't eat that stuff unless they are chinese
or south americans.

They think the humans use it to make the cat food.

Even sillier and more pig ignorant than you
usually manage, and that's saying something.

Farm cats who don't get fed obviously don't.

Farmers I know feed their cats less than they need, so they go after the rats. If they give them a full meal, they don't bother.
"Commander Kinsey" <> wrote in message
On Wed, 08 May 2019 22:24:15 +0100, Rod Speed <

"Commander Kinsey" <> wrote in message
On Tue, 07 May 2019 23:30:04 +0100, Rod Speed <

"Commander Kinsey" <> wrote in message
On Tue, 07 May 2019 02:49:54 +0100, Rod Speed

"Commander Kinsey" <> wrote in message
On Mon, 06 May 2019 20:44:56 +0100, Rod Speed

"Commander Kinsey" <> wrote in message
On Mon, 06 May 2019 20:00:11 +0100, Rod Speed

If they keep stock of whatever they have ever been asked for,
that will obviously cost more than only keeping the most popular
tires in stock and ordering in the unusual ones as required. So
will obviously be able to flog me the tires I use cheaper.

Or add the price onto the unusual ones only.

Not going to work when they never sell another of those.

Then they shouldn't buy another.

They need at least 4 of anything they might
sell because plenty change all 4 or 5 at once.

They don't all wear out at once.

They do if you rotate them. And plenty change them
all at once even when they don't rotate them.

What the fuck is the point in rotating them?

They wear out at the same time.

So a bigger bill at once,

Yes, but longer before you have to pay anything.

> the hassle of moving them,

Not if the tire place rotates them for free and plenty do.

> and you're driving around with all four with low tread.

Nope, all 4 with legal tread.

And if only one is worn out,

That only happens if the alignment is fucked.



the one in the middle of the road experiences a different surface to the
one at the edge.

In reality there is fuck all difference wear wise.

> Or one might have been damaged by a puncture.

Much less often than normal replacement due to wear.

why replace the good three?

I change one at a time.

So do I but most don't, so the tire place has cover what most do.

I've never heard of anyone doing that.

Then you need to get out more, as always.

I don't know many OCD folk.

Nothing to do with OCD.

A few weirdos replace two at once because they think it's safer to have
identical tyres opposite each other.

They're right with some shit designs of cars.

I've never even noticed a car with all bald tyres behave differently to
one with all new tyres.

Yes, you actually are that incompetent.

> Maybe I'm just better at compensating.

In reality you don't have a fucking clue if you can't pick that.

And it isnt just a few.

I've just got 4 wheels and tires FROM FACEBOOK for just $10
because I didn't have a spare for my trailer which I got very
cheaply FROM FACEBOOK a couple of years ago now.

Gumtree had a free trailer here the other day.

Far more on the local facebook buy swap sell groups.

3 of them are well worn, all about the same level of wear
so they must have been rotated. One is almost full tread
but is flat. I'll use the worn ones as spares and only
bother to get the flat fixed if the 3 ever become
unusable which is very unlikely indeed.

They should tell the owner of the weird car to buy a normal one.

Great way to get the customer to come back for their future tires.

Who cares about someone who has different tyres to everyone else?

Those that find it works better to always be able to give the
customer what they show up wanting to buy so they don't
go to some other operation which has it on the shelf.

95% of people come in wanting a VW, Ford, etc tyre, keep those in stock.
Why bother with the Alfa Romeo owners?

Because you can flog them what they want and slug them
more than you can slug the other high volume car owners.

You've changed sides in this argument.

Bullshit I have.

> You just said you don't like garages which do that,

Never said that.

> as it apparently makes your cheaper tyres cost more.

Never said that either.

> So if you were right in your original opinion,

That was never my opinion.

> those garages are losing the custom of the 95%.

Wrong, as always. Most don't buy tires on price alone.

One day I got them to fix my brakes - they charged me Ł93
(before labour) for a calliper I could have got for Ł30 on

So you should have checked that before you got them to do

At that time the car was almost undriveable, I couldn't be
it back home and in again.

And you know so little about cars that you didn't know what

Not everyone knows everything.

But most don't know as little about cars as you do. Or dogs

Most people have no clue how to fix anything on a car.

Another garage, Farmer's Autocare, I took the car for an
gave me a list of what needed doing. I bought all the
them to the guy, and he refused to fit them, he wanted
parts. I called them cowboys, reported them to a few trading
went to Foz Sports, who did the work without question.

We fit them ourselves.

I'm a shit mechanic. I've never even replaced a brake.

I've done a lot more than that, including wheel bearings.

Lucky you.

No luck involved.

It's a saying.

That mate of mine has just bought a Merc C180 for
just $1500 which had a bit of miss in the engine and
got the non genuine part needed to fix it for peanuts.

But after what Clare and 'Arlen' have said about high end kraut
will be interesting to see what else ends up needing fixing

Him and his son had previously had 3 Hyundai Grandeurs
that also cost them peanuts and ended up with 2 good ones
and have cost them nothing because they have sold what
parts they didn't need themselves of the third on ebay etc.

Only German car I've had was VW,

Same here.

that was reliable

Nothing like as reliable as the Getz which had no warranty claims
so ever. The Golf did, and more than one as well. Important ones

But since my 73 Golf, things got much worse.

and cheap parts.

Yeah, but the Getz is even cheaper.

Never owned a Hyundai so I don't know what they're like. But if
me drive half the speed limit like the rest of the moronic owners

It doesn't. Only one of the garage salers
can keep up with me and she's dead now.

Why is it every Hyundai I've seen in the UK is driving very slowly?

Don't believe that and it certainly doesn't happen here.

It certainly does here.

Don't believe it, even in that council sink estate filled with low IQ

Well it's true, I'm always stuck behind them.

Don't believe it.

I have never seen one single Hyundai ever break the speed limit, even by

Then you need to get out more.

> They're driven like Volvos were before the sportier ones came out.

Even sillier and more pig ignorant than you
usually manage and that's saying something.

Mine isnt.

It's the sort of attitude some people have.

Don't believe that either.

They buy cars which are good value, and also adhere to rules like

That's not half the speed limit.

Some of them do,

Don't believe it.

they actually think the limit is an absolute limit and you should be
usually well below it!

Don't believe that even the dregs of scotland
who are too stupid to emigrate operate like that.

There are a lot of law abiding fuckwits around here.

Driving at well below the speed limit isnt law abiding.

> Or people too stupid to use a satnav to avoid the pigs.

Don't need to do that if you are law abiding, stupid.

People like me who drive fast tend to either drive sports cars or old


No it isn't.

Corse it is.

Every time I see a fast car it's either a banger like mine or something
really done up.

That's nothing like your original.


That's nothing like your original.

They're like Rover and Volvo owners.

Doesn't happen with volvos here either.

Ours are mostly driven by what we call squatters,
the rich end of farmers and the don't crawl along
in their volvos.

Rich farmers here drive Range Rovers,

We arent that stupid.

They're actually quite robust.

They are fucked by design compared with volvos.

And those that want robust arent stupid enough to bother
with Range Rovers which arent anything like that.

They're very sturdily built, especially offroad.

Steaming turds with wheels compared with real offroad vehicles.

and yes they go fast.

Yep, born to rule mentality. We even had one as PM for a while.

Why did you just object to driving fast

I don't.. The born to rule don't drive fast.

Me: "Rich farmers here drive Range Rovers, and yes they go fast."

Yep, that's where you fucked up, with that last.

You: "Yep, born to rule mentality."
You: "The born to rule don't drive fast."

when you do so yourself?

no thanks!

I go to Foz all the time now, the last visit, he replaced an
bracket (Ł3.50) and topped up the gearbox oil (a litre for
only charged me half an hour labour on top of that for both

came across a big alsatian out on its own doing
similarly with most of the trees and gates on the
and going right down the driveway of some houses and
the dog behind the gate at the end of the drive.

What annoys me is when people allow their dogs (while
to piss on people's property.

You've clearly never walked a dog on a lead.
There is no way to stop that dog behaviour.

You pull the dog away from where it's pissing.

Doesn't stop it pissing on the next one.

Pull it again, if it continues, kick it.

Doesn't stop it, psychopath.

They prefer not to get beaten.

Thanks for that completely superfluous
proof that you have never had a dog.

Any animal or human will avoid what makes it be punished.

I'm not actually stupid enough to have a
dog on a lead when out walking with a dog.

Then I guess you have a well behaved dog.

I have never been silly enough to walk any dog like that.

Some dogs are so fucking stupid that if you take them out
they attack, maim, injure, or kill other dogs.

I have enough of a clue to be selective about the breeds I have.

Why do you think people smack their kids?

Dogs work differently to kids.

No, they learn just like us.

Thanks for that completely superfluous
proof that you have never had one.

I know many people with dogs and have seen them train out bad

Not pissing on things you havent. You'll
never train a male dog to never do that
when out walking not on a lead.

Or to not sniff things either.

If you kick it hard enough, it'll never do it again.

Thanks for that completely superfluous
proof that you have never had a dog.

Try that with mine and you'd end up dead, quite literally.

So you don't have control over your own pet?

I'm not actually stupid enough to try kicking an immense
great alsatian that weighs almost as much as me.

Why did you buy a pet you cannot control?

I controlled him fine. I'm not actually stupid enough to kick a dog

How do you control him then?

Tell him what to do and watch him do that.

He speaks English?

Understands what you tell them to do, yep.

Why do you think you can make them sit, fetch, etc?

Because they like doing it with fetching.

And they like sitting?

Yep, do it regularly.

Only when they feel like it.

Nope, also when they know they will
be rewarded for doing that like with
the drug and currency sniffing dogs

Slave labour.

You are too.

I am nobody's slave.

Corse you are. You get paid fuck all for stuffing shit thru

I don't have to, I choose to.

You have to because no one is actually stupid enough to give you a real

No, I because I'm ill and find it almost impossible to get up early enough
for a 9 to 5 job.

Plenty of non 9-5 jobs. None actually stupid enough to employ you tho.

They ought to rebel and refuse to hunt down people using naturally
occuring plants.

Currency isnt a naturally occurring plant, unfortunately.

I was clearly referring to the drugs. And you tell me to use

Opium poppys are naturally occurring plants too. So is cocaine.

Agreed, what's your point?

That your line about naturally occurring plants is even
sillier than you usually manage, and that's saying something.

Why are you objecting to cocaine and opium use?

Because they fuck the 'lives' of the stupid addicts.

And shitting in the correct place?

Plenty of dogs do choose to do what they decide that
their master wants them to do. Cats don't work like that.

Mine do. 8 of my 9 cats now shit correctly.

Not when you tell them to.

Because I tell them to. They know if they do it in the wrong place

Hasn't stopped that cat pissing on your monitor.

I've never told it not to.

Yes, you are that stupid. You should have done that the first time it

It is the first time it did it.

You said the opposite just one post ago.

Only had the camera there for the second time.

It no longer goes where I've told it not to.

We'll see...

I've already seen. It stopped shitting in the shower. Camera above
shower, slapped when it did it, no longer does it.

Clearly didn't work with the monitor.

He hasn't done it again since I slapped him.

We'll see...

I doubt it. They do it because it pleases the leader of the

That's not why they fetch. They like chasing things and bring
it back so you can chuck it again and they can chase it again.

The stupid dogs fetch it then run off with it.

Nope, dogs don't do that.

I was at a friend's house the other day, I threw a toy across the
it picked it up. It wouldn't give it back to me. Or my friend.
it always does that.

Yeah, plenty of dogs operate like that, it's a game to them.

They do it with other dogs too, have a tug of war.

That's the way those drug and currency sniffer dogs
are rewarded, they get to have a tug of war with
the handler over a big sewn up cloth/canvas thing.

I wonder what the IQ of a dog is.

Much higher than a cat. It's a real rocket scientist
cat that even recognised its own name. All dogs do.

They're both monumentally stupid compared with us,


that's why no dog or cat has ever got a mortgage or a driving license.

They arent stupid enough to need either.

Your cats worked out how to get what they
want without farting around with any mortgage.

You never managed that yourself.

They don't exactly live a full life like humans.

They don't end up as drug addicts and unemployable either.

I just saw one on Youtube try TEN times to get a long stick through a
narrow doorway sideways.

Yeah, that is one thing that they can have a problem with.

But then stupid cat leap up 10' when you put
a cucumber behind them on the ground.

You'd never see a dog do that.

I tried that with SIX of my cats, not one reacted whatsoever. Four
ignored it completely, and two just looked at and sniffed it before
walking off.

Plenty of cats doing it on youtube.

Not one dog doing it on youtube.

Very few cats will do it.


> There's plenty of humans on there reacting to things in a silly way,

Never seen one jump at an unexpected cucumber.

> it doesn't mean we're all that thick.

But the unemployable clearly are.

You have to train it to bring it to you.

Bullshit you do with the worst of them.

They bring it to you to get you to chuck it again.

Actually that's pretty stupid. They already possess the toy, why
to you so you can give it back?

It isnt the giving back, they enjoy chasing
it when you throw it and want you to
throw it more so they can chase it more.

Chasing an inanimate object is almost as stupid as when they chase
own tails.

It aint stupid, they were bred like that to kill rats etc.

Can't they tell the difference between a live animal and a chewy toy?

Corse they can, but they have enough of a clue
to work out that when there isnt a live animal
available, a chewy toy is better than nothing.

Yeah, like you'd make do with a slice of bread instead of chocolate....

Nothing like in fact.

Hilarious watching some dogs round up little kids in
the backyard. They were bred to do that with sheep.

You must know some stupid kids.

Nothing to do with the kids. The kids don't actually get
rounded up, those breeds of dogs just try to do that.

So just the dogs that are stupid then.

Nothing stupid about rounding up anything.

Something you couldn't manage.

Some of them do bring you a present of something
they have killed. Dogs don't do that instinctively.

A couple of mine did that twice each. They won't do it again.

Because you are a psychopath.

No, I prefer to not have local wildlife murdered.

All you are doing is stopping them bring the corpse
to you as a gift. They still murder the wildlife.

No they don't,

Corse they do.

They do not.

Corse they do.

It would have been seen.

Nope, they just make sure you don't see it, stupid.

as they can't be bothered eating it with feathers on, they prefer

That's not why they kill them, stupid.

They want food.

Nope, they kill things.

They think they're providing me with the food to cook and prepare.


No other reason to catch food.

Wrong with cats.

They get food out of a tin, they don't need to kill birds.

But they enjoy doing that anyway.

No, they do it because they think they're giving me raw materials to
make the catfood.

Even sillier and more pig ignorant than you
usually manage, and that's saying something.

Farm cats that never get fed by humans and who
have to feed themselves, do that present stuff too.

They are too stupid to notice that humans
don't eat that stuff unless they are chinese
or south americans.

They think the humans use it to make the cat food.

Even sillier and more pig ignorant than you
usually manage, and that's saying something.

Farm cats who don't get fed obviously don't.

Farmers I know feed their cats less than they need, so they go after the
rats. If they give them a full meal, they don't bother.

Most farm cats don't get fed, they feed themselves on the rats and mice.
....and much better air in here again!

Another typical retarded conversation between our two village idiots,
Birdbrain and Rot Speed:

Birdbrain: "You beat me to it. Plain sex is boring."

Senile Rot: "Then fuck the cats. That wont be boring."

Birdbrain: "Sell me a de-clawing tool first."

Senile Rot: "Wont help with the teeth."

Birdbrain: "They've never gone for me with their mouths."

Rot Speed: "They will if you are stupid enough to try fucking them."

Birdbrain: "No, they always use claws."

Rot Speed: "They wont if you try fucking them. Try it and see."

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