ADE simulation problems...

27 Ağustos 2009 Perşembe tarihinde saat 10:27:59 UTC+3 itibarıyla Andrew Beckett şunları yazdı:
Daniel Oliveira wrote, on 08/24/09 14:49:
Hi everyone.

I am having problems using ADE-GXL. After setting up the simulation I
press play and nothing just says the simulation is
pending. 5 minutes later a window pops and tells me to check the Job
Setup Policy (ADE-XL Message 1921).

I have more than enough tokens and I am running the job locally, but
still the simulation does not start. Anyone having the same problem?

I am using cadence IC6 sub-version (32-bit addresses).

Best regards,
You should look in the Job log file. You can monitor this by doing a
right-mouse-button click over the little terminal icon in the Run Summary
assistant - this will show you what is happening in the background \"icrp\"
process - possibly something in your .cdsinit file is causing it to get stuck -
sometimes this is because people have interactive commands in their .cdsinit
file which is trying to prompt you to do something, and when run in nograph
mode, it just hangs.
ADE XL works by running background virtuoso processes to take care of netlisting
and simulation management, as well as results calculation. This is mainly
helpful when you are running multiple jobs (particularly through a queueing
system) as it then means you can distribute all parts of the job - not just the
You might want to look at my sourcelink solution 11495216 which gives advice on
improving the startup time; in your case it has timed out because it was so slow
(most likely).
First you might want to start by putting:
adexl.icrpStartup binaryName string \"virtuoso -nocdsinit\"
into your ~/.cdsenv file. Alternatively in the CIW (before starting ADE XL), do:
envSetVal(\"adexl.icrpStartup\" \"binaryName\" \'string \"virtuoso -nocdsinit\")
(you could also put this in your .cdsinit)
But read the solution for the full details.
Hi Andrew,

Where can I find that sourcelink solution 11495216?

Kind regards,
Muhammed A. Dagdibi

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